Working mums

Working mums how do you get ready in the morning with a toddler I need tips. At the moment I'm using annual leave and dredding the morning when I have to get myself ready & LO ready. I'm thinking I'm going to have to get up at 6am to actually have a shower/makeup hair. As LO seems to wake around 7/7.30. Please let me know you get used to it, normally not a morning person! 😂
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I am a terrible person in the morning. But I just make sure everything is sorted the night before. Everyone’s outfits and bags (I have 3 kids) then I get myself up at 6.30. Then my 10 year old at 7 then the 2 babies at 7:30. We are out the house for 8/8:15

We keep some toys in our bedroom so she can sit and play with them whilst I get myself sorted (have to shower the night before) but my LG wakes around 6-6:30 😂 what time would you have to leave? Xx

I wake up at 5:30 to get myself ready as bubs was sleeping to around 6:30, but now he’s decided to wake up just after 5 whenever I try to get ready which is frustrating but not much I can do.

@Bella yes definitely think I need to be more organised with what I'm wearing (already sort LOs outfits which is handy). Fair play to you with 3!

@Lucy good shout with the toys in bedroom. I might have to try that one. I'm thinking ill have to shower night before too. I'd say latest I'll have to leave would be 8oclock x

@Kayleigh oh nooo! You just can't win. It's like they have a sixth sense 😂 what time do you go to bed if your getting up at 5.30?

My LB is up around 5.30 atm. I’ll bring all my clothes, makeup, hair tools etc downstairs the night before and get ready whilst he watches miss rachel or plays in his play pen. It’s a juggle! If he was up at 7/7.30am (what a dream that would be!) I’d just get up at 6.30 and do my bits then. But we’re out the house by 7.40am! X

I think he senses I’m awake and he thinks it’s the perfect time to look all cute and be cuddly 🤣 I sometimes shower and wash my hair the night before, have a quick freshen up in the morning and dump him on his dad for five minutes whilst I quickly finish off lol. I used to always be in bed by 9 pre-baby but now it’s around 10/11 but I’m so used to being tired now it doesn’t affect me that much lol

Thankfully I have a job where it doesn’t matter at all what I look like, so I just need to be dressed, hair up and teeth brushed! However this is still a fair mission as my daughter is very clingy and whingy at the moment, so I get dressed with her crying at my feet even though I do give her some toys to play with. This morning was an improvement, she happily rearranged the changing table for a short while when I was on the toilet 😄. I usually shower in the evening to clean up after work and get daughters nursery bag ready. My husband and I make sure we have our lunch made and ready too. She wakes about 6am and nursery is close but doesn’t open until 8am so plenty of time to get ready and out the door! All credit to you guys doing your hair and make up 🙌

@joanna I'm sure I could do that too but I just like to have a bit of make up on to make me feel better 😂 especially if it was a rough night lol. It sounds like I'm just gona have to get up early and become a morning person and very organised lol 😆

Shower night before, everything for breakfast prepared in advance. Can you do make up at work? The prep is wild while they're still this young but it gets more chilled as they get older. You'll do it a few times and then be fine

I start back on Thursday, I’ve had my lashes done so less time to do makeup I will be getting my outfit ready the night before and having a bath aswell as straight wing my hair that way all I’ll have to do is get dressed get my son dressed and leave the house. Although I am dreading it

I leave for work at 6.45. He wakes generally at 6 or before. I have a shower night before and prep lunch and pack work bag. 6am wake, breastfeed, handover to dad whilst I get ready. Dad gets him ready for nursery at 8 after I've left.

I could do make up at work but that's more prepping and more stuff to carry with me for the morning 😂. Lashes are a good tip, although I haven't ever gotten mine done so not sure if they would be my thing. I'm always rubbing my eyes lol. Unfortunately my hubby leaves early in the morning so I feel like I'm a single parent after 7am lol

I prep as much as I can the night before and then try to wake up before my daughter does to get ready. Thankfully my husband works from home so he usually gets my daughter ready and gives her breakfast while I get myself ready and then I drop her off at nursery on my way to work. If he wasn’t around in the mornings then I’d have to get up earlier which is a struggle haha

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