Work from home mom looking for advice

I work full time from home and do not have any help. Hubby goes to work and older kids go to school, so it’s just me and LO until about 3pm. He wants my undivided attention and I do my best to juggle giving him as much attention as possible in between calls. He’s 15 months old and on the move constantly. Just want to know how do other work from home mommas do it? What is your schedule like with LO?
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I work from home with a 15 month old and it is T O U G H! Sometimes he’s quieter sitting on my lap but I have to push my laptop further so he doesn’t slam the keys 😅 Other times I’ll bring a bunch of his toys in a basket with me into my office and only let him see one at a time so when he gets tired of playing, I’ll swap em out. Also a helllllllll of a lot of peek a boo so he still gets attention. I’ve learned making fun or funny interactions with him inbetween busy moments help keep him more consistent with staying with me in one area. Otherwise he thinks I’m not paying attention to him or gets bored and scurrries off to empty my cabinets or something lol

@Martine thank you! I’m going to try some of your suggestions. I’ve stopped letting him sit on my lap because he bangs the keyboard lol. I’m on a desktop because I work with 2 monitors. So he also tries to climb on my desk when he’s on my lap to touch the monitors.

Hahaha same here! It’s tougher now that their arms are longer and hands are more grabby 😂😂

Yep 😂

I too work from home buttttt I have a 9yo and 3yo who keep him busy. When they are doing school, I bust him with a bunch of toys, cars vainly since he likes them. I like the skip hop activity center above. Going to try that next

Busy* haha not bust and mainly not vainly

@Sasha siblings are such help aren’t they?! My 9 year old loves playing with my son and he loves being with her

His siblings are 16 and 14. They don’t like to hang out with him much unless they need to lol. Love that activity center , going to check it out.

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