@Charlotte it’s quite exhausting especially as the other night her positioning was so odd and my tummy looked lobsided and it freaked the shit out of me and my partner too. I’ve been 2x in this month already but I’m thinking to book a private scan for Saturday. What drives me more crazy is as soon as I’m put on the monitor, she starts moving so much and ugh. It’s tiring :(
I have the same and the last midwife I saw was amazing and told me about some techniques to encourage the baby to move position (you can you tube it). I tried and it worked! Now when I get no movement I try that for a short period and if still nothing then straight to triage. I have anterior placenta too and when baby is head down I feel loads of movement when he lies sideways across my placenta I feel nothing. Might work, might not, everyone is different. Don’t ever worry about going to triage though. They would rather see you than not! I’ve been so many times this pregnancy it is unreal and this is my 3rd. Always better to be safe than sorry but totally get how anxious it makes you feel! X
Spinning babies is quite a popular technique but speak to your midwife first before trying x
100% exact same as me! She is a wee minx already! X
@Pamela my baby did this the other it is so freaky!!
I could have written this myself!! Little madam has been quiet for a few days and it’s drives me crazy!! She still moves at her normal times (bed time and when I wake up) but some days she’s active throughout the day so I think that’s it she’s gonna be like this from now on but then she goes quiet! I’ve been in once to be check and as soon as they put the monitor on she woke straight up!! I think some babies are jsut more chilled but it’s not helping the anxiety! I do know a few things that will get her to move so I always try them but I still worry it’s not enough movement
@Fiona Do you have a specific video link?
I could have wrote this myself! I’ve been in now 3 times in the last month for reduced movement (also anterior placenta) she’s been fine everytime and they sent me for a scan yesterday to and that looked fine to. But now every day I’m panicking thinking has she moved much? Is she ok? Do I need to go back? It’s making me worried so much