Honestly the way I look at it is, you’re the mom, YOU are the main caregiver from the time of getting pregnant to at least 5. Kids need their momma, not saying it’s not nice to have dad around just saying sometimes it does more harm than good. Girl you are the one going through it all, it sounds like he hasn’t tried to be involved unless it was new and exciting. YOU are the one going through the pain and bringing life into this world. Sometimes life is best with a sperm doner. If I’m being honest sorry if o offended you at all I hope things get better. Here to talk!!
@Lilli I’m not offended to be honest I feel like this anyway haha I think it be more trouble than worth it! Plus he has my number easy for him to send a text but I didn’t know if maybe I was doing the right thing or not but sounds like I am
I would just message him to let him know. Then you can feel assured you did everything you can to attempt to have him in your child's life.
I personally would and that would be the last update, once the baby is born it’s up to him to make the effort.
To be honest I personally wouldn’t bother, sounds like you and your baby will be much better off without him! Xx