Aldi and Morrisons have really good own brand nappies! We’ve never had any issues - we’ve tried pampers but genuinely they’re not worth the price difference in my eyes. We use the same overnight and have never had any leaks, and my daughter sleeps 7-7 x
We use tescos for my little boy and they are amazing. we tried pampers with him, they would constantly leak and cause him to be quite sore. However we havent had these issues with Tescos xx
We use Morrisons and they’re amazing! No leakes and last all night when he sleeps 9pm-7am x
I absolutely love aldi ones. They're great. My LG is still in size 1, which are 85p or 89p. We've tried asda ones but don't like them so much. They're fairly good, but I don't feel like they're as flexible as the aldi ones xx
I like Aldi, Tesco and Morrisons. Don’t like Asda at all x
Tesco all the way!!
Using Aldi (getting them off Amazon) and then for the night stretch - Pampers Dry baby as they hold absolutely obscene amounts.
We use aldi size 3 and they’re great for us! So cheap as well x
Aldi lidl and morrisons own brand I've been using and they all been great no leaks and my lo in size 2 nappies.
We use Tesco in the day and pampers at night to save us money. We find the Tesco ones leak after a while whereas the pampers he can go all night without being changed
I use Tesco or Aldi ones and they’re great. No leaks or nappy rash. We used pampers and it was a disaster 💩💩😂 x
Aldi nappies absolutely stink, we moved to Asda and much prefer them. Aldi ones seems to be tough and really bulge
I tried a pack of Tesco ones and they absolutely stank of chemicals and plastic, I definitely won't be getting them again 🤢. If you've got a Sainsbury's near you their nappies are brilliant and very soft on baby's bottom. Boots own brand are quite similar to Pampers so I use them overnight as they fit further up my baby's back - they are more expensive than other own brands, but cheaper than pampers still 🙂
We use tescos for my little girl. Had no problems with them. Shes size 2 so it’s £2.18 for 58 nappies x