First time Clomid, period has stopped?

Hi everyone! Just need a bit of advice as google is not helping.. my first time with clomid Sunday 11th February was my first full flow period day Monday 12th February took my first clomid tablet (I was advised to start on 2nd day) Today would be my third day of period but I woke up to no more blood flow? I still took my 2nd tablet today anyway but this is extremely unusual for my period as I usually bleed for a good 4-5 days, has anyone had this problem? Do I carry on with the course? Advice would be great thank you!
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I don’t have any advice, but taking Clomid does the same thing to me. I usually bleed for 7 days and my bleeding stops early when taking Clomid. But I’ve still been able to conceive using it.

@Leah oh wow that’s great to know, it’s my first time so I was really confused. I also have PCOS and doing all this unmonitored so I guess I should carry on as normal?

Warning tmi. I've just had an awful period this month with so many blood clots and bad pain I've read sometimes can be common with clomid. Took my first tablet cd 2 and bleeding seems to have stopped just having some small bits of blood and brown spotting. This will be my 3rd round and similar has happened the other 2 times but my period hasn't been as bad as this one

@Melissa oh no that sounds really awful! I used to have heavy clotted periods because of hormone imbalance so maybe clomid is causing this? It is a powerful medicine. The only thing that helped my heavy periods was light gym and going in a calorie deficit. This is my first time on clomid and im currently 3dpo so fingers crossed we get a miracle🥺 I hope things get better for you sending you baby dust 🥰

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