@Bre really? I’ve had contractions just not anything painful or like my normal labors. I’ve never had this happen though. Could it be amniotic fluid? I thought that was like straight liquid.
They usually advice put a maternity Sanitary towel on and check it in a hour if it's really wet it's your waters trickling but discharge does usually get worse towards the end of pregnancy mine was awful 🙈
Or the other thing to try is lay down for a little while then stand up after maybe 30minutes as waters don't really leak laying down when trickling so will create a pool of waters inside then when you stand they will all come out Hope this makes sense
@Emma-louise makes sense. I have something I’m headed to but I’ll put a pad or something on. I have an appt today at 4:30 so I’ll wait if I can.
I had this and it turned out to be my hind waters I went in thinking it was nothing as did the midwife she tested anyway and was my hind waters xx
If it’s not your water/labor … I’d get tested for yeast or BV.
@Ellie wow I have never heard of that. I’ll definitely ask today!
@Ellie did it stop and come and go or what was it like if you don’t mind me asking
@Ivey thankfully it’s not this since I’ve been tested before. Which is why it’s so weird!
I had it the night before rang and they said put a pad on and see if it continues when I woke up the pad was completely dry but had a little bit more in the afternoon, I wasn’t going to bother going but my partner made me and I’m so glad I did! I think with it just being the hind waters it was no where near the amount you get when they broke my front waters(if that’s what it’s called 😂) but I’d deffo recommend getting checked just incase! Xx
@Ellie that’s good to know. I’m having contractions but they’re not real. I have prodromal labor and have for weeks so it’s soooo hard to tell what’s going on. Especially when it’s so easy to pee yourself at this point lol. It trickles some but not gushing. I had no idea about this. I did put a little pad on to see. If anything starts getting worse I’ll call but hopefully I can just make it to my appointment and see what they say. I’ll be getting a membrane sweep so I think they’ll know at that point if somethings happening 😂
Can’t hurt to call!
Either way I wish you luck! Hopefully its something starting and you can have your bundle of joy soon!
Aw bless you! Yes that’s why I was hesitant to go I thought I’d probably just peed myself a little bit 😂 Good luck anyway 🥰
I would call. I mistook my labor for just a bad night and then I woke up and gave birth fifteen minutes later.