Dancing fruit on YouTube by Hey Bear was a good one x
I used to put my son in the room I was in and just let him watch my make a tea and chat shit to him or put him in front of the washing machine when it was on 🤣🤣 nothing against screen time ofc it’s just what he used to watch lol, I put the tv on for him lots more now he’s 1 as he’ll whinge if I’m not paying him attention which wasn’t the case when he was a few months old 🙄😅
My LG is absolutely addicted to tv at 8 weeks!! I just can’t believe it, it must be the noises/movement but she honestly stares and stares! Her dad is the same, if I want to talk to him I need to pause what we are watching as he can’t do two things at once 🙄🫠 I was always that person that said no screen time whatsoever, but when I’ve read to her, sung 30 different nursery rhymes to her, shown her round the house and explained what everything is, the colours and uses of everything, done tummy time, done the activity mat, used the swing…. god my brain is frazzled and I have no energy left 😂 So I just let her sit in her bouncer and watch what I have on whilst I have something to eat or drink! Then if it’s dry I take her out to walk the dogs or visit grandparents or something! But i totally and utterly get it now why parents use screen time to have a bit of a break! 💕
@Sophie it’s okay for you baby to do nothing btw! like you’re doing soo much with your baby which is amazingg but please don’t put pressure on yourself thinking they need to be entertained all the time! I don’t mean this in a judgemental/rude way at all btw just thought wow sounds like your days a veryyy busy! xx
I either put dancing fruits or Ms Rachel. At 8 weeks I put dancing fruits on more often than Ms Rachel, but now at nearly 11 months, she learns more watching ms Rachel and gets bored of the fruits. I’ve tried Mickey Mouse Club House but she didn’t care much. I’ve put the odd Disney movie like Lion King or Encanto but o watched it more than she did 😂
Mine weirdly likes actual shows, I don't know if he can even make them out clearly at 5 months but whenever we go to my mums my stepdads usually watching darts or the soaps and he's amazed by it If we're at home it's usually Miss Rachel if I need to get something done, or I'll put on a disney movie for background noise while we play
@Sophie you sound like super mum!! That's so amazing you do all that stuff, you should be so proud❤️ I bet you're gonna have one smart little bubba!
@Katie my son loves the darts as well 🤣🤣
Hey, you got to do what you’ve got to do! If that’s the only way you can eat it won’t harm for 10 mins. Have you found b&w sensory on YouTube? That may help you get on with your day with a little less mum guilt - age appropriate and educational x
I’m gonna check out all the shows and YouTube. We currently watch woof bear sensory at the moment, and dancing fruit. I feel really guilty putting it on because I feel like I should be interacting with her more, but from the hours of 9am to 9pm, it’s just me with her because her dads at work, and believe me Ive started doing monkey dances to keep her entertained because at 6pm I’ve exhausted all other options 😭 and I’m just maxed out xx
Puffin rock and bebe Finn are recent faves
My son loves Dancing Fruits, Bluey and Miss Rachel. Songs wise we usually play ‘Happy Song’ by Imogen Heap especially when he’s in pain or uncomfortable as it settles him instantly! And ‘I Love You’ by Wiggles
@Shelbie I'm the same. I only let him watch TV in the mornings, bluey is his favourite. I do want to try Miss Rachel too x