
I don't know what to do. My PPL is about to run out. I can't go back to work. There's no daycare available in my area. everything is massive waitlists. We have no family near us that are able to. He doesn't earn enough for us to live at all. But to centrelink, it probably is. I'm just terrified of what's going to happen. I'm barely coping with Bubba as it is, let alone if I was back at work.
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Where about r u located

I can feel you. Sorry, not of much help but I'm in the same boat as you.

Try looking for home daycare or neighbor that can help

Join a mom group. Sometimes they want to help out but make sure they seem trustworthy. Churches also might be able to help. I went to a community church instead of daycare because my parents were broke. Where do you live? I assume you don't drive or it's not in a city. Get on waiting lists, I got accepted pretty fast. Just go to multiple places, you can transfer them later

Try calling the daycare centres in your area and explain your situation. Lots have "emergency places" and can prioritise you and offer bub a spot

Try looking for daycares closer to your work rather than you home

@Jordan I don't have a car, so it makes it hard as well. Partner has a car, but needs it for work as he doesn't just stay in one spot and he leaves at all different times each day.

You can apply for Partnered Parenting Payment, this can start once your PPL has finished & will be calculated from your “combined family income”

Have you tried looking at a crèche job? Maybe call around some gyms with crèches and see if they would be hiring at least part time or casual to get you on your feet before you find a place in childcare.

I came to know today there are openings at family daycares and a website called myhomeyourhome. Check that and see if any locations are suitable foe you.

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