@ Sabrina

Just a lil education for ya
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@Sabrina Ramirez the answer is No, it’s not right for you to. Yes, your knee jerk reaction- caused by the trauma- may force you to want to retreat to a reaction like that. But if you are a quality human being then you will work through this incident with a therapist and mature.

Can you elaborate on your question/confusion if it is in response to my comment?

@Sabrina Ramirez ahhhh I gotcha. Nah as long as you’re still respectful of the race and what not. Your preference . Just like how some people don’t like dating specific races with no trauma and they get validated. I’m not sure why your situation is any different with trauma lol. I don’t like white guys and that’s just my personal preference lol. But I still respect them and all that.

I just here to support all the great black men out there 💕 no need to get upset love….. I didn’t tag you just wanted to leave u with a little bit of black man magic

How thoughtful of you to come out as yourself from being incognito. Let’s be honest, you knew you were going to get heat from that post, hence why you were hiding. Nice to put a face to a prejudice woman.

I can’t find original post but no her post wasn’t racist at all. She has trauma and she was simply asking a question. This lil education you provided has nothing to do with her trauma related to how she feels. It’s all great that there is a policy in place but what’s the plan to tackle it? That should be your concern not tagging someone in irrelevant topics.

@Rudy You are right, you didn’t see the original post. So sit this one out.

I actually did and read part of it so hush 🤫 @E-40isha

@Rudy Obviously you didn’t or can’t comprehend what was said. Rethink what you thought sweetie, lol.

Interesting? Enlighten Me?

Speaking on original post........ I agree that it's not racist or prejudice. She has a right to feel how she does because of a bad experience. She's not just out here not liking black men for no reason. Especially with how the media portrays our men it probably gives her extra incentive too. To use another scenario, I got bit in the face by a dog as a child, I don't like dogs for that reason. Am I an animal hater or racist against dogs?! A lot of blacks don't care for whites because of the trauma left on our people. Jews I'm sure don't like Nazi's because of the holocaust. All of these were caused by a tramatic experience & all can feel how they want & wouldn't be prejudice at all!

I think we all need to look up the definitions of words we do not know before speaking so quickly off of emotions.

So sad to be honest, might I add.

@Sierra speaking on the original post. I agree with you and had said similar things. I still agree, and hope she works through it. However. I don’t like that she deleted the posting , or that she felt the need to use the word ‘retarded’ when responding to people, and proceeded to mention how she wanted a response from others and not from black people. I understand if my summary isn’t how she intended it to be- but that’s the bad part of deleting a post. We are all just summarizing what we read and our take aways.

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@Sierra she thinks it funny and she said she despises black men so that’s your father your brother your son

@Rudy it’s giving Uncle Tom














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@Crystal ok I get it I was just going off of what she posted here. But wording is everything so she definitely may have crossed a line with her choice of wording. But all in all she can definitely feel how she wants regarding her past unless she's just showing plain racism.

yes it’s wrong to not like all black men bc you had a bad experience with 1. i got groped in high school by a white boy. do i hate all white boys? no. is it racist? i can’t really say. i don’t know your full perspective. but i can say it’s very ignorant

@Sierra I agree.

This is way out of hand. I was molested by a black girl when I was a kid and now as an adult it's hard for me to be around black women. I treat them with the EXACT same respect as everyone else. But due to the trauma at the perfect age to cause core trust issues, which i have in fact worked on in therapy A LOT, I have a hard time trusting black women which makes it hard for me to be friends with them even. That doesn't make you a bad person or immature at all. It makes you traumatized.

What was her post?

@Rachel Seems to me you want to argue. You are late to the party so remain silent and remain in your delusional world and return to the caucus mountains.

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