i LOVE both Cosmo and Fable - and would use both as first names! i also love Tigerlily and Solstice as middle names - but I think the majority of your list is usable, especially in the middle spot. personally not so keen on Luxor, Lazuli or Nightingale as names, and some of these names - Everest, Osiris and Meadow - i don't think they are as unusual as you think. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I like a lot of these! Especially Meadow, Coast, Everest, and Ireland, but Tigerlily, Dusk, Cosmo, and Solstice are super cool too. I don’t love Luxor, Osiris, Lazuli, or Nightingale, but I think most of your list is usable! 🤍
I think any of those are great for a middle name