Ending our breastfeeding journey!!!

Really need advice about weaning my son off the boob, he is 17 months and is on solids, he only breastfeeds to sleep now and sometimes for comfort. I don’t want it to be traumatic but I know it’s time!!!
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My 2.1yrs old baby is still on breastfeed and wanted to end breastfeeding journey. I’m here for the answer

Also 17 months here boob and solids all day. But I also don't know yet how to stop booboo time. 💕 More solids? Maybe let some other people feed him? Hide my boobs 🙈 oh so double feeling. 😢 Good luck girls. And share ✨ 💕

@Raimonda 🌻 yes I’m lost he is good with solids & also takes a sippy cup throughout the day but during bedtime or naps he jumps right in my arms for boobie time. I never really pumped and bottle fed so that wasnt an option. I was told that if you put aloe Vera plant and rub it on the nipple that they won’t want it after bc of the taste. For me that sounds like a better option then just turning him away. So I might try that if I do I will share my results on here.

I night weaned at 17 months by reading a weaning book with my son for several weeks beforehand and doing lots of verbal prep. I did continue feeding to sleep at nap and bedtime until he was 22 months. We used a countdown calendar for that. They are capable of understanding at that age, but it is a big change and likely one they won’t be happy about it. You just have to be ready to support them through the transition obviously.

@GMF thank you for your advice also can you suggest the book you used?

I’d like to know too

@Raquel we used My Milk Will Go, Our Love Will Grow. I’ve also seen Booby Moon and Sally Weans From Night Nursing recommended a lot.

@GMF okay thank you I am going to order those.

My mum told me she went away for the weekend and fasted for 3 days so when she came back there was no more milk to give.

@Raimonda 🌻 omg we also call it boo boo 🤪 mine is 26 months still obsessed. She loves them. I don't know how to stop her. I feel like she isn't ready and I can't do it. I talk about it with her all the. Hoping one day she will stop

I night weaned my son just after he turned 2. We talked about the milk being gone and I put plasters over my nipples and told him they were broken and would be back in the morning. 😂 The first night was a lot of crying as he was so tired and didn't know how to go to sleep without boob but eventually settled with me or my husband cuddling and rocking him. Second night was much easier and after 3 or 4 days he just got it and didn't ask for boob at bedtimes anymore. We did the same thing for naps just to keep it consistent. Then once night weaning was sorted we started gradually cutting out one feed at a time during the day. I did that by just changing up our routine so we were always doing something new or interesting at the time he'd normally want feeding and just distracted him from asking. Also offered cows milk in a cup as an alternative if he asked for boob. I'd say its actually easier if you wait until they're a bit older as they can understand more and you can talk about the change with them. Good luck!

Also, be prepared for the emotional impact it might have on you. Every time we dropped a feed I would feel really hormonal and teary for a few days with really low mood. Hadn't anticipated that at all so just something to watch out for. Before we started weaning I would have said it was impossible and would never work but honestly it went much more smoothly than I expected! 😄

@Demelza wow thanks for that I will definitely try that at night along with getting the books and trying to prep him ahead of time for what is to come. As for the emotional part I know that is going to happen to me bc that is our special time together and it’s been everyday for the past almost 18 months so it will be an emotional ride for the both of us but I know that it is for the best and just apart of him growing up. 🥹

I just got my son off my boob 3 weeks ago. We started with nap times and then morning boobie. For nap times I offered whole milk in a sippy cup. For morning I started prolonging our morning routine. Playing in bed, reading a book etc and then giving something to eat right away, fruit while cooking breakfast and breakfast 1st thing. Bedtime boobie was tough. The 1st night we both cried. But the 2nd night he walked to the fridge to get the milk. Again, I switched to whole milk in a sippy cup. Now he barley drinks the milk. Keep the rest of your routine the same, and put more time between nursing and going to bed. I added in brushing teeth and story time. Then we added a 2nd a 3rd story. It will take time. But the last time I said “milks all gone say bye bye” he waved bye and pulled down my shirt. The next day I just had to remind him “we said bye bye remember it’s all gone”. You’ve got this mama! Take your time and don’t expect it to happen over night (llierally)

Thank you I am going to try that also how old is your son ? My son isn’t really verbal yet but he made sure to learn the sign for more & milk 🥛 ( thanks to Ms Rachel.) lmaoo but I am going to start soon during nap time and see how that goes.

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@Raquel oh my god! Yesterday I talked with a mother ( has 4yrs old son) regarding this no boobs journey and she said the same, the aloe gel helped her within a week, her son stopped boobies

@Kels M see I seen on TikTok I’m going to try and see 🤭 hopefully it works I want him to stop on his own but I know he won’t anytime soon.

Crazy how emotional it is. Reading and want to cry. 💕 No one was talking about that. Didn't tot it's gonna be so difficult 😭💔 I heard some people are crazy and using wasabi on the nipple 😳😱 not aloe 💚

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