Pregnancy mental health

I feel like I’m struggling , I don’t feel like me. I feel no excitement towards my pregnancy and can’t relate to anyone or my partner when they talk about it. Which makes me really sad. I don’t get why I feel like this, this is what I really wanted and now I have it I don’t feel anything 😣😢 is this normal , will it pass … I just don’t know. I’m just over 12 weeks. I don’t think it helps that I have adhd/autism. So I’m overwhelmed as it is. Especially with people asking things all the time. And I think with the hormones rising. I just hope this will pass
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That’s normal, you’re only just coming to terms with it and you are entitled to your feelings.

I totally feel the same sometimes, we need to have grace with ourselves because your body is going through a lot of changes…all the hormones and the nausea etc. and your whole LIFE is about the change, no one but you can tell you how to feel. Make sure to do some self care, I like to journal to bring myself back to reality, get out all of my feelings. Take deep breaths, have a good cry and a hot shower if you need it. And remember you are not alone! Everything will be ok mama 💜 sending you hugs

Thank you all xxx

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