Please see a lactation consultant. Baby crying will not do anything except make him upset. Are you putting baby to your breast to latch? Does he latch? Are you pumping?
Crying will not help with milk - you’re maybe thinking that crying can sometimes trigger a letdown, but nursing is even better at triggering a letdown - crying won’t cause your body to produce milk. I would see a lactation consultant ASAP
I’ve never heard of that! Skin to skin and comfort nursing helps! Around 6 months my supply tanked and I started taking Moringa and it went back to normal
What makes you think your milk hasn’t come in yet? That’s an awfully long time. Pumping isn’t an indicator of supply so as long as you can see baby swallowing, they are gaining weight and have plenty of wet and dirty nappies then they are getting enough. As for your question, sometimes babies cry and fuss whilst on the breast which is them trying to regulate your supply, but leaving them to cry won’t do anything to your supply
One month and no milk?? What are you feeding baby? The way to boost supply is to constantly latch your baby. Letting them cry isn't going to help anything at all. If you'd like to breastfeed seek a qualified lactation consultant ASAP
I don’t understand why letting him cry would help the milk supply? Are you currently feeding him formula? As others said, your best bet would be to see a lactation consultant who can give you the individualized support you need.
That's not a thing. Him being on the breast will be what affects your supply. What makes you think it's not come in? It would be very unusual for it to take this long. I can barely pump anything but I've been exclusively breastfeeding for 9 months 🤷♀️ It's much more likely that your milk has come in and your baby is cluster feeding which makes you feel like you don't have enough. If you've been feeding him from the breast for a month then he's getting milk. If you've been giving formula instead then your milk likely came in and went away if not used.
No. This is incorrect. And letting your baby cry at that age without responding can be very distressing to them (and to you no doubt!) If your baby is crying, latch them to your breast and allow them to feed. Baby latching and sucking is what tells your body to make milk. If you do not latch them, your body will stop making milk and you will have to bottle feed. Let them stay latched as long as they like, if it’s hours at a time then switch breasts every 30 minutes. Pump output is not a measure of supply and pumps are not as effective as the baby at extracting milk. Please see an LC for correct and tailored advice.
Try sleeping with your baby's used blanket spread out on your pillow! How I got my milk to come in while my son was still in the NICU and not home yet!
@Korissa sleep with the baby’s blanket , so I can smell his scent ?
@Mia thank you I will see a LC I’ve been feeding him formula because it’s been hard for me to get used to him feeding on the breast. Now that I’m used to it. I’m not sure if he’s getting enough.
@Caroline it’s been 1 month I hope I didn’t loose it. I’m still getting droplets does this mean I still have some milk left. I’m going to a LC tomorrow hopefully they can help
@Sarah thank you I will try this.
Thank you everyone for your responses i will see a LC tomorrow.
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@Samantha yes!
Oat milk, water, rest, sleep, carbs help alot
No, I don’t think this would help at all. Lots of skin-to-skin time is important though. I’d suggest seeing a lactation specialist ASAP if you’re still hoping to breastfeed.