Best potty training tips?

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Waiting until they are ready!

My friend suggested waiting for warmer weather, and keeping as little on their bottom half as possible, and the potty nearby. Then take them to the potty often, I seem to remember 45 mins? If they don't seem ready after trying for a couple of weeks, leave it and try again in couple of months.

No pressure. Make sure you have a good few days or even a week where you can just be at home, bottom half naked and ready! Be ready for accidents, nappy on when napping and bedtime. Don’t push for the poops! They might come a lot later. It’s been literal weeks since we started, she did so well in the beginning but has been poorly twice so she’s preferred a nappy on which was fine! But she’s been in knickers for about 3/4 weeks and been amazing with wee’s! Only the past 1 or two week after around 5, is she comfortable with pooping. But randomly last night asked to poop in a nappy and I said thats okay! No pressure, but she was very much ready! Telling me when she’s gonna wee, when is weeing, and knows to sit on the potty x

I read the potty training book called oh crap potty training, before I started with my daughter. We did it in January, although lots of people say to wait until it was warmer, we had a quiet week, heating, and we just got on with it. Good luck x

Leave the potty out so they can see it

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