
Anyone exercising? I stopped all form of exercise the day of my IUI because I am so anxious about miscarriage but the longer I wait the harder it’s going to be to get back into it
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I am still doing everything I was doing before I found out I was pregnant and I did with my first. I do a body weight/cardio class on a Monday evening, hiits on a Tuesday morning, a 5k run on a weds and gym on Thurs and Saturday morning. I was at the gym up until 5 days before I had my daughter and can only think that this is why she was in the correct position and why I had a fast and easy labour. Everyone has always told me to keep going and just drop down in weights etc as and when I need to and just not up anything xx

Hello :) I have just been for an early scan and the midwife had said that if I feel like I can then I should keep going with the exercise. I love spin class for example and she said that it’s a class that’s great for exercise in pregnancy as it’s low impact. I had been scared to do it but feel much better after speaking to her tonight.

@Dionne ah amazing. Yeah definitely carry on if you can. As much as I never want to get up in the mornings I feel so much better after I've done it and it's so good for us! Xx

Hey hun normally if you exercise before pregnancy its safe to do so once pregnant so long as you’re not over exerting yourself and your body x

I feel the same, I was very active before I found out I was pregnant and now I’m just so anxious I might do something that affects it. It look us so long to get here. I know exercise is good.. so I think I’m going to go back when I have my 8 week scan!

I’ve been continuing…. I am on my third pregnancy after 2 losses so I’m with you on feeling terrified of another loss. But I’m convinced I caught so fast this time (I had to have a medicated reboot of my cycles after I stopped having them in October thanks to my covid booster), because I’d been exercising 3-5 times a week, and lost a stone since January. We’ve been trying for years and never caught so quickly before. Only thing I’m doing is adjusting a couple of exercises so less “crunch” stuff and listening to my body to slow when I need to. I feel stronger now than I have in either of my previous ones and have been told it’s safe to continue as long as I listen to my body.

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