
Hi guys, just looking for a bit of advice as for the first time in a long time last night one of my girls was that unsettled and upset that me and partner didn’t know what to do! My girls are 6 months on Thursday, born 5 weeks early.. and last night one of them woke up crying and could not be settled even with rocking / cuddling / using the comforts that usually work! She wasn’t due a feed, had been changed and tried absolutely everything, but was still so so upset and sounded in pain tbh. My girls are generally quite good sleepers now and go much longer stretches between feeds in the night, don’t get me wrong they still do wake in the night but usually just for a quick cuddle and then they’ll go back down, they’ll generally have their last bottle about 7pm / 8pm then will have a dream feed (or sometimes they’re awake depending on how they are) about 10pm / 11pm and then can usually go until about 7 / 8am until their next feed, but one of my girls woke up screaming for about an hour at 3am and the same 5am for what seemed like such a long time! And it didn’t sound like a hungry cry! I’m more worried because she seemed uncomfortable / in pain… the only thing that’s changed is that we’ve started weaning them just with some tastes of baby porridge and this was the 3rd day they’d had it yesterday. Also I have stopped pumping so they’re no longer getting breast milk and are completely on formula, however formula isn’t new to them as they’ve been on bottles with a half breast milk to half formula ratio for 3 months or so, and they’ve been having a full bottle of formula before bed for about a month now! So the formula isn’t new to them… any advice?? Could it be the weaning? Could she have been constipated? We tried a bit of a tummy massage and bicycle legs but she was that upset she wouldn’t tolerate it.. sorry this is so long! But it’s the first time in ages we’ve not known why she’s so upset or been able to settle her with our usual tricks. Thanks if you’ve got this far 😅
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Could she have had a night terror? Was it too hot or too cold for her? We always thought the room was too cold, we bought a room thermometer from Lullaby Trust and it was actually too hot 🙈 it can be such little things sometimes so easier said than done and try not to worry, but if she’s like it again tonight I’d call the GP or health visitor in the morning xx

Is she teething? Screaming in pain does point to this. Is she dribbling? Pulling ears? Irritable? Flushed cheeks? Ibuprofen is the best at calming down inflammation. 6 months is a period of lots of transition. Just a thought but may be totally off. Maybe porridge best in am to avoid any reaction closer to bedtime? Best of luck! It’s all trial and error so don’t be too hard on yourself lovely 🥰 sounds like doing a fab job 😘

@Adelle we do have a room thermometer and the temperature was fine! But thank you🥰 to be honest I think she must have had trapped wind or tummy ache because I remember her tummy feeling quite firm and now it’s nice and soft! But in the middle of the night we just went into panic mode because it was so out of character for her! Will definitely contact my health visitor if it happens again thank you xx

@Anna thank you! To be honest I think they’ve both been in the early stages of teething for a while as they’re constantly chewing their hands, and dribbling! And everything is going in their mouth but I know that can be a developmental thing too. To be honest I did give the porridge a bit later yesterday to what I had been doing, so you might be right! Thank you🥰

My twins who are 16 months old (born 2.5 month early) generally sleep through the night but when they have a cold or are teething they can wake up every hour screaming.. has she been ok during the day? Maybe worth speaking with your GP if you are worried.

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