Natural baby remedies for allergies

Seeking suggestions on what has worked for y’all. We believe our son inherited his dad’s crazy seasonal allergies and I’m reluctant to use any Rx. Thanks!
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@Angie I’m looking for specifics. I am aware of homeopathy but wanted to hear from other mamas what they have tried successfully.

I live in Houston and we have pollen everywhere right now. I wake up and there is yellow pollen allllllll over my car. I Frida snot suck (first gen frida, the electrical one sucks) first thing in AM. I spray saline spray up his nose wait for a couple sneezes, more saline and then suck it all out. I also do before bedtime. Super helpful for me. There is also a syringe neti pot method where you take filtered water - distilled or spring with NO fluoride!!!! that’s lukewarm with saline solution and rinse out nostrils- can’t wait to try that when it gets super bad here. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, look it up on YouTube. :) For me, nothing else really works other than cleaning out the nose. I just would rather him be exposed to it and clean it out naturally than use a bunch of crap!

I grew up on Chinese medicine, and what always seemed to work wherever we moved to was eating local bee pollen and honey. My mom used to make my sister and I eat a spoon full of both once a week and never experienced allergies like I see people here experience. When my husband and I moved in together I made him do the same with me every week(didn't believe at first), and he doesn't weeze and can breathe with no problem.

@Bex totally agree for adults and kids but babies can’t have honey bc of botulism toxin. It is always best to buy local honey as those bees are working in that specific area where allergies are prominent due to local pollens. People use like the stuff from the grocery store and that’s junk. You want the real crystallized, glass jar honey!

@Lauren definitely agree and don't recommend honey for babies before age 1, also realized that a lot of my experiences with any type of Chinese/eastern medicine has been mostly when I lived/traveled in Asia. And I know a lot of people tend to bee allergies. So now that I think about it maybe my options aren't the best for op.

Herbal home health care by dr John Christopher is a really good book with info in it x

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