Relentless diaper rash

Our little one is so so prone to diaper rash- we just can’t seem to shake it no matter what we do and it’s an every other week occurrence. We’re having to miss work to keep her home without a diaper on because it just gets so much worse at daycare as they (obviously) cannot focus solely on her. Wondering if anyone is in a similar situation and maybe has had any miracle treatments they’ve found? I feel like we’ve tried every medicated cream and barrier cream… :(
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To play devils advocate, are you sure she’s getting changed enough at daycare? I ask because 6 months ago we had the same problem, and we switched daycares and it changed everything. Went from bleeding diaper rash every week to one every couple months that clears up within a day. It’s an awful feeling, but feel free to message me if you want to chat more about it.

@Kira truthfully I doubt it , at least for what she actually needs, just because she’s one person tending to 6 little ones. (It’s a dayhome). But .. our LO was prone to rashes even before she started. Not to this extent, but would get them occasionally even with diligence in changing her at home. And unfortunately as well the childcare situation is so so hard right now, you’re lucky if you even find a spot at all 😔

Have you tried different wipes in addition to the different creams? I noticed that my girl gets a reaction/rash almost instantly from Huggies wipes but never from the Kirkland ones 🤷‍♀️

@Alex we did try. We used the same wipes from birth til she started with the rashes around 8-9 months old, after trying a bunch of things we did try switching them up from pampers sensitive to the water wipes brand. No noticeable change that we could tell 😔

We’ve had this problem and just overcame it! We were having awful rashes due to lots of BMs. Although we figured out LO has an intolerance to uncooked dairy, so we cut out cheese, milk. We had to get a prescription cream from the doctor (steroid) and put that on for 1 week. Then we would put sudo creme on top of the medicated creme from the doctor. And finally cornstarch on top! After 1 week we would only do sudo creme and cornstarch until it went away. Now we always put on Vaseline at every change when the rash is gone.

We had to switch to water wipes and our pediatrician recommended hydrocortisone cream a few times a day and then Vaseline. We found the medicated creams made it worse so we stuck to Eucerin or Cerave ointment with the Vaseline

Diaper rash for daycare. And the moment my baby was home, remove pants and have her wear loose diaper. So not super tight but enough to stay on her if it makes sense. And then baths in the evening to let her soak her bottom so its easy to clean vs using wipes.

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