Yes. Second time around and it's only easier because i got the process refined first time. I have a cry, hug my partner and very pointedly remind myself there's always next month.
We’ve been ttc since November. Every time my period starts we have a bit of a cry. Itll happen for us, we just have to keep praying and keep strong
I was in that boat I have felt defeated and lost every time I got the negatives I'm 41 and this would be baby number two but my son is 24 years old me and my husband been on this journey for quite a while I have had two failed IUIs This app was the only thing that actually helped me and some people will tell me to oh just stop stressing about it and it'll happen or do this and do that and I've tried everything in the book honey anything and all things you could think of I've tried herbs supplements you name it I've done it I do pray and I'm very spiritual so that is the only thing I think that's kind of keeping my mind and my emotions intact so I would just tell you whatever you pray to pray to that and if you don't I don't really have anything else but you have to put your faith in something so that's what I would tell you to and I really hope that this information helps you