For the actual holiday, we carry 3 days worth of clothes for lo and wash. Even if it warm carry 2 long onesies (we use these for flight anyway).3-4 muslins as they are so versatile. We also carry nappies only for a week max and then just buy more. Also always carry something familiar for nighttime..we take his night light and sleeping bag. I breastfeed so I don't need feeding stuff but every restaurant/cafe we go to offers hot water/milk for free. They are even happy to prep some food e.g mush or steamed veggies. We try to travel as light as possible which means reducing our stuff but it just helps to not lug around multiple suitcases and a baby around. And finally try and take it slow e.g chill on one beach for the day instead of hitting 2 and you lo will love it if you do. Have a great trip! Let me know if you have any questions
@Akansha thank you so much for taking the time to reply! Italy will be amazing I'm sure 😍, we went safe for our first holiday 🙏🏼. Good idea with one case and one bag too! I also breastfeed so alot less to probably take. This may seem a strange question. However, with regards to swimmer nappies, how many would you typically use? Like is it a fresh one for baby to go into the pool each time, and if they've not got it messy can use the same one. Or would it just be wet and soggy for them. After swimming it would just go in the bin.
For swimming we use the happy nappy by splash about. It'll let through the wee but hold the poop in though I've luckily never had to test that. You also get disposable swim nappies, many swimming pools have a double nappy policy so the disposable nappy and then the happy nappy over it. You can keep the disposable nappy one if he is going to go again soon after but I just change . I've never taken my son in a pool when we went on a holiday. And in the sea we just went with one nappy
We did our first long haul trip (India) with our 8 mo recently and have done a few shorter ones (menorca at 3 mo and Germany at 6 mo) and its not as scary as we thought clearly since we are now preparing to go away for 2 months to Italy with him in a couple of weeks. For the flight: Our lo slept throughout the shorter flights. But just in case keep a couple of familiar toys, one snack (flights may have cut fruit) and all medications with you. 2 change of clothes and one top for you in case of a disaster and I usually keep freezer bags to stow dirty laundry. Most airlines will allow 2 items for free for baby e.g stroller and car seat. You can take the stroller till the flight but you'll only receive it at baggage claim so take a baby carrier with you. I prefer to have one check in suitcase and have a backpack on me so that my hands are free (one of us manages the stroller and one the suitcase and admin like showing boarding passes etc)