What to buy dad for birthday

It's my husband's birthday next month and just wondering what to get him from our baby! Any ideas? 🙂
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There’s really cute websites online where you can order books personalised for dad & baby! They’ll put in their names and you can customise the pictures to look like them too lol x

This is a website I’ve used before and i thought the quality of the book was really good xx https://uk.librio.com/en/personalised-childrens-books/lost-for-words?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwte-vBhBFEiwAQSv_xT3aBU1KgsDbkrKbw1sOjKCUeFVGI6LFkCoGWcHXd3U3csEfK6_JWhoCukEQAvD_BwE

I did a photo frame with 3 photos of our son holding up the letters to spell Dad… il find a photo! It was so easy and cheap to do and my husband loved it 😊

That’s a picture of them all combined but I printed the pictures separately and then placed them in a frame side by side 😊

I got my partner a football top he wanted & our little girl the matching tutu bodysuit version. The pictures were great 🥹🥹

@Georgie Soo cute! Love this idea ☺️

@Paisley Aw that is lush ☺️

@Marian Thank you! ☺️

I went and got my partner some chocolate which says best daddy, and made a cup which says we love you daddy

When my husband first went back to work I got him a steel card with a picture of our daughter to keep in his wallet, he really liked it https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1298386398/

Wonderbly book for baby and dad 🥰

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