Breakfast tips

Hey ladies, just wondering if anyone had any tips for high protein breakfasts? So far the ones I’m making don’t have enough calories in them to keep me full for enough time. If I were to double what I’m making it would cost me a fortune 🤣 ideally sweat ones I can make the night before. Not asking much 👀🤣
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Add protein powder to overnight oats x

Overnight oats with added protein powder / scrambled eggs with cottage cheese mixed in. Grahams Yoghurt pouches have 25gs protein in, I usually have one of those as well as whatever I've made for breakfast they're only 95p x

I have Greek yoghurt with fruit every morning and a protein shake 40g of protein x

You can add greek yoghurt (low fat), or eat eggs. But you can also use protein supplements to top up the protein and still be low in calories. I have sent you a message with a bit of details. X

Eggs are your best pal x

Anything with eggs!

Egg muffins with ham in. I personally don’t eat breakfast as it makes me hungrier. I have a banana about 11am

I like doing poached eggs on toast with avocado and cottage cheese and seeds mashed in together on sourdough. Always fills me up no bother. You could add a sausage or bit of bacon for added protein if need be or chicken to be healthier

Homemade granola with lots of nuts, with high protein yoghurt and fruit. Make the granola in a batch!

Over night oats with jam or peanut butter a banana and nuts and dried fruit I tend to put a splash of oat milk aswell with 2 dried dates or figs . And then chug at least a pint of water

Thanks for all the tips ladies! I’m a sucker for proats but wanted to keep carbs low too 🤣. I know I need to up my morning water intake too. I’ll definitely be playing around with diet for sure just need more protein! X

@Sophie then I would do scrambled eggs, avocado on whole meal toast, but that can’t be made ahead

I’ve started having a chicken omelette (you could also pre make egg muffins) I find that eggs on its own isn’t enough protein so adding the chicken and some veg keeps me full for so long!

If you want lower carb proats could try replacing them with chia seeds? I make protein chia pudding or mix it with oats nuts and protein

I’ve done cottage cheese pancakes before, so yummy! But I’d say eggs are easy and quick, chicken sausages in the air fryer, protein shakes help to fill up if you have that with your breakfast or even a smoothie with added protein powder. If you have yoghurt can add flaxseeds This isn’t breakfast but I’ve recently found chickpea and green pea pasta in Aldi! Easy protein there

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