Potty training advice??

My daughter is 3 years and 2 months old. She sits on the potty but usually won’t go. We give lots of liquids, have her sit frequently, but she is still having tons of accidents. She doesn’t really care if her undies are wet and if I don’t give her a diaper or undies when she’s not on potty, she gets very upset. Advice? She isn’t treat motivated either 😩
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My son too!

Maybe take a break and try again at 3.5 yo? Have you tried a reward system?

@Caitlin yeah! So she will never tell us she needs to potty. I try having her sit every 30 min, 15 if she doesn’t go, but I also don’t want to upset or force her. She has gone #2 twice in the potty and she will usually pee 1-2 times a day but other than that she’s peeing through undies and we usually just put a diaper 😩

My son is the same age and I’m about to start but after 2 kids who potty trained totally different before him my advice is don’t stress about it. If she is having accidents consistently than it may be best to take a break. Talk about the feeling and almost like animate your bathroom like “oh mommy has that feeling I need to go to the potty” then she might follow your lead. I messed up huge trying to force my oldest and everyone was getting upset which made it so much worse

Do the 3 day method , day 1 completely naked for the whole day, give juice and water every 10-15 mins sit on potty. Day 2 just underwear same thing, day 3 fully clothed same thing

@Leiana she won’t respond well to this she gets cold easy but she also screams if we don’t give her undies or a pull up

I’ll check it out. She’s just home with me for the next month so hopefully we can get it down

Aww I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe if you put a shirt on , i only did this with my 1 year old it worked but i understand being cold maybe a dress with nothing under could help

If you have a toddler potty put it in the living room so she can watch tv while she sits or let her watch a tv show on your phone so she will sit: Don’t give her any diaper or undies she’s upset because she wants to use them to go to the potty: My daughter is also not treat motivated but that doesn’t mean don’t treat when she does use the potty. High fives, small toys, suckers a piece of candy a graham cracker etc: make yourself very vocal to her about how great she is for going to the potty. Stay consistent this is hard very hard don’t beat yourself up over this done kids potty train easy some don’t. My first daughter potty trained so easy my second daughter not so much lol

@Sarah this doesn’t require them to be naked. Our son wore underwear the entire time. You just don’t want to have them wear pants so you can quickly see if there’s an accident. We also raised the temp in our house to make it warmer for him.

We did a whole long weekend naked and it worked for my daughter. We waited until she wanted to do it on her own and did a reward system and sticker chart which she loved. When she was fully potty trained we went to the store and she got to pick out any toy she wanted. We also watched a lot of shows about it and read a lot of books about it!! Hope this helps but waiting until they are fully ready and wanting to makes it way easier!!❤️

My daughter turned 3 in January and is going to the potty completely on her own now (except for nights/naps). I literally just explained to her how she’s a big girl now and has to sit on the potty. We watched tons of potty kid videos on YouTube. Surprisingly she pooped on the potty no problem and would even tell me. It was the peeing that was hard. But I just monitored her drinking and every 15-20 minutes we would sit on the potty. Praising her really gave her the confidence to keep at it. We did grand celebratory cheers everytime she gave us results. She had one relapse where she would pee on the couch 🙃🙃 bc she was getting lazy . Or when she’d play with her cousins she’d get too carried away. But reminding her constantly helps.

Have you tried to let her run around naked? Let her cry about it if she has to? We did toy rewards! Sounds crazy but he got a prize a few times until he got it down..

@Sarah aww sounds like you’re doing great and being consistent! I was frustrated like you for a few weeks, and then all of a sudden, my son told us he had to pee and then went. We still have to ask him to sit every hour if he doesn’t do it himself. Every kid is so different. I wish there was a secret because he’s still afraid to poop!

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