Let me convince you to join Kindle Unlimited

So once a year my husband and I go through our subscriptions and cancel ones that we don't use or aren't worth it. Hubby had me crunch numbers on my reading habits. So here's a long AF break down for those who care. So far this year I have read 18 books. 14 of which are Kindle Unlimited. Those books had I bought them on Kindle would have totaled $91.98 If I had bought physical copies the total would have totaled $173.98 My KU subscription so far this year has cost $35.97. That's a total savings of $55.90 in savings from Kindle or a whopping $137.12 savings from buying paperback books in just THREE MONTHS. I'm telling you if you are a romance junkie you are missing out!
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I had a free trial for Kindle unlimited so I downloaded the app on my iPad. I was totally hooked after YEARS of swearing I wouldn’t be an E-reader. But then I found myself thinking about getting a Kindle…and then I broke down, asked for my birthday. I bring it everywhere. I LOVE unlimited, Kindle, e-reading.

I have a problem I read them on my kindle app but I need the hard copies too 😅😂

I bought my hubby a very nice kindle and kindle unlimited , he uses it all the time. . Now I have more shelf space for my actual physical books since I don’t like e readers. Win, win!

I only use ebooks for textbooks. I prefer physical books and can usually findthe books I want to read at the library so I don't spend any money. If I really like a book, then I'll buy it. Our bookshelves are reserved for our LO's books and his toys (cars, trains, & other little toys) its work great for us! I will occasionally find some books on spotify and youtube for us to read listen to as well. If I were to buy my physical textbooks, I'd probably spend between $1200-$2000 per year and maybe a good $3000 on personal reading! Lol

@Christine Unfortunately my local library is ran solely on donation as our city pulled all their funding to put into the police force so "new trendy" books are few and far between there. I've been using an eReader since 16 (I'm now 31). I do on occasion pick up physical books (mostly from the biannual library book sale). But I like the fact that Kindle is portable, waterproof, and your spot is saved between devices (I have two Kindles, a tablet and my phone that I will read on) I also get free books from BookBub, Romance Bookworms, Witchy Book Worms, FreeBooksy, Libby and CloudLibrary.

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