
Sick to death of comments from my mother in law calling my daughter her baby. And having digs about other grandparents taking/seeing their grandkids when they want. “She doesn’t know me she thinks I’m a stranger” “I don’t feel like a grandma” She sees her 2/3 times a week for around 3 hours each time. She’s having her overnight for the first time tomorrow and yesterday made comments how “you’re all mine for the day” “I can hug you and kiss you when I want” As if we ever stop her. Am I just being sensitive?
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Omg 😳 no you’re not that would drive me crazy! I think you’re doing more than enough for her to “feel a grandma” more than I’d do especially with behaviour like that

I would say yes and no. I honestly think it’s in the “grandma nature” to just do this. My MIL and my mom both do this kind of thing, but it doesn’t mean that I like it. We recently moved out of state so I don’t hear it as often, but I would take my kids to see my mom and she would say things like, “OMG they’re so skinny! Are you even feeding them!? Don’t worry guys I’ll feed you and give you all the love and attention that you need” Noooooo I’m starving them to death and ignoring them😑 it couldn’t be the fact that they’re growing kids that eat the entire fridge and they are more than likely stretching out from a growth spurt. In all honesty I think they do it to be funny, kind of like a joke… but it’s not funny.

Sounds like you just don’t like her. She’s annoying at best but that’s it lol

No you aren’t sensitive. My MIL said “how’s our baby boy doing” 2 times a week after I gave birth after the 2nd I told my partner he needed to tell her to stop saying that (we lived with her at the time) she hasn’t said it since. We also don’t let her dictate when she sees us since we’ve moved out. She knows to never show up unannounced and she knows she’ll never have him over overnight or without us present. I don’t think how often you see a grandchild makes you a grandparent. I saw my grandma only 6 times a year because she lived out of state but she was my favorite as a child and I love her and call her every week still.

That's her grandchild so why would any of that bother you? This is how grandparents speak... my grandmother says this stuff to my mother about our big ass daily... Are you like that with your mom as well or just her?

2 to 3 times a week for 3 hours. My 1st set of grandparents see her once a week for 5 hours and my other set see her once a week for 3 hours. She's got issues by the sounds of it. Control issues


I think it’s natural but it’s very irritating 😂

Ugh I hate those comments. And when MIL will say something like ‘I get to sit by you for lunch.’ Or ‘I get to see you for a whole weekend.’ When we all went to a family wedding, it’s just makes me keep him from her more because I find it creepy. She won’t address me or her son or anything about spending time with us. Conversely, my mom says things addressing all of us. Like ‘I can’t wait to see you all when I visit.’ Etc.

@Jill I thjj in j the grandparents who count how often and for how long are never the favorites because it’s all about show and babies figure that out.

My MIL said to me today that they were bonding really well yesterday before I arrived, then she just wanted me. Even though I think it was a really innocent/ no second intentions comment, it really pissed me off, so now she’s not watching my LO on Saturday 😂

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