Pet problems.

I’ve had my cat for 10 years. I love him dearly. I’ve always treated him like my first child. I moved him cross country with me and we’ve been together my entire 20s. But since having a baby he’s done nothing but make my life HELL. I know it’s a big adjustment for a pet but I’m past caring. He woke my baby up the entire newborn stage and even still now at 10.5 months , meowing and scratching at doors. Meowing when I get the baby down for a nap and sneak out the room. Jumping on the bed w the baby and waking him up. Scratching at the blinds. He’s bit the baby a couple times bc my son is obsessed with pulling his tail. Just warning bites, never broke the skin but makes him cry. Throws up on shit. And now he’s had a UTI for 3 weeks and is pissing everywhere. In the tub, in storage bins. He just now got on the couch with me and peed on my pillow in front of my face. I spent $400 taking him to the vet. I got all the meds. The UTI came back. I’m so tired of him. I’m sure it postpartum rage but I want to kick him out or let him unalive at this point. He does NOTHING but make my life hell anymore. I love him but I’m so over it. I have a baby to take care of and in my spare time I’m cleaning cat piss off my furniture and scrubbing the floors that my son crawls all over. I’m starting to hate him so much. I don’t have anyone to give him away to and won’t give him to an adoption place bc he’s a 10 yr old cat that will never get adopted. Also I’m a single mom and all my family is cross country. I have no help and am alone with my baby 24/7. I haven’t had a nap or event a 2 hour break in 10 months. His naps are my only breaks. So when they’re spent cleaning up after this asshole cat it’s agitating and exhausting. Not really looking for advice, just venting so I don’t lose my mind.
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So, I want to validate your feelings and say, of course you're pissed off!! Look at everything you just said you're dealing with in addition to having a cat who is having trouble adjusting but is also miserably ill.... but I also want to point out what would probably be really o virus to pre baby you... your cat is just a cat... didn't choose the life it has or your baby AND he does sound super miserable right now but some cats just take a long time to adjust and yours is aging while akso probably feeling your stress, seeing you care for this little needy and squealy thinf that pulls on it etc.... AND if your circumstances were different and you had more help it wouldn't feel so daunting ... remins yourself to be angry with the circumstances and that tour cat is simply dealing shit circumstances too... that may not make the physical acts of caring for him easier but if the perspective shifts a bit it just might... in the meantime... do you have friends who could help you get small (few hr) breaks from baby?

I just want to say you are not alone! I could have written this myself but about my dog. I cannot stand him anymore and I feel so shitty when I get irritated with him. All day when the baby is awake I hate him...then once the baby is in bed I feel bad and like I am failing him...

I have a dog AND a cat that I wish everyday would both run away and never comeback lol … I used to love them so much. I hate them both now 🤣 don’t feel bad for venting, it feels amazing to say it out load!

It’s so hard to deal with. I’m putting every drop of my energy into other beings. It’s been 4 days since I wrote this and the cat still has the UTI. I’m still giving meds twice a day. I’ve locked him in the spare bathroom for the past couple days bc it’s too hard to clean up pee everywhere in a house with 3 floors and a drawing baby. Hes still peeing all over the bathroom and now is covered in pee too. I bought some shampoo for him and I’m hoping it clears up soon so I can give him a bath and let him out. This is exhausting me.

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