Terror puppy

So my husband and I have two puppies under a year old. The oldest has matured in a sense and has started marking everything including clothes and my daughter favorite blanket that she gets upset when it gets taken away to be washed. I have no clue what else to do it’s driving me nuts. Sorry I just needed to vent.
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Are they fixed?

Kennel them regularly and they should only be let out into the house AFTER they’ve been taken out to the restroom, and should be kept on leash indoors and under supervision for quick correction and management until the behavior subsides.

@Caitlin no not yet

@Brittany marking tends to be a problem when unfixed and if it goes on long enough will stay when fixed.

@Melissa I have four other dogs and two kids

@Brittany it’s still the same process. Kennel all of them and set a schedule

Neutering won’t fix the behavior, the behavior is already there. Training and managing the puppy is the solution

@Melissa it absolutely will end the need to mark their territory. I’ve been around dog trainers my whole life. That is absolutely what will happen.

@Caitlin are you sure? I have two fixed dogs that still mark over each other

@Brittany then clearly you waited too long to fix them. If you fix them early enough before the behavior presents or right when it does it stops. No amount of kennel training will stop a dog from marking.

@Caitlin well I have two females who fight for alpha and have to stay separate and my main who is the only fixed one he’s been very moody towards the only puppy who has his parts

@Brittany the whole bs on dogs having alphas is incorrect and outdated. Maybe you need to actually try training your dogs if all of them are having problems.

@Caitlin and we run a certified dog training business. There’s no need to be so hostile. While neutering before puberty can interrupt hormonal marking behaviors, it does not necessarily end the act of doing it. Marking is behavior based and once that behavior is set in, it becomes habit. Training is the only way to manage and correct behavior, simply fixing a dog isn’t going to.

Kennel training will ultimately provide the best management and control over your puppy’s, and all your other dogs’, behaviors. Marking puppies should not be given full freedom without supervision, just as babies who haven’t learned proper behaviors shouldn’t be left alone. While neutering helps reduce certain drives and needs, it does not stop or eliminate behavior on its own. I recommend linking with a trainer and working through your puppies manners and considering a change in lifestyle and house structure

I’d be more than happy to offer more advice if you’d like to message me directly, but Ian Dunbar on YouTube is a great resource to start

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