Does anyone know if you can request to be induced?

As in without being past due date but as long as you’re full term? My sister was saying you could and I would honestly consider it as I’m already miserable for a number of reasons but my mum thinks she’s wrong 🙈 do the nhs support it? I know I’ve overheard them offer it to those who are full term and go in for reduced movements but what if you aren’t concerned, just need the baby out? 😅😂
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I don’t think they will let you unless you have a genuine reason for it, I’m getting induced at 36 weeks only within reason x

That makes sense. I was thinking more likely at 38/39 weeks. So almost at your due date anyway and just not wanting to go past it. Thanks tho. Hope everything goes okay with your induction!

I think they offer it to anyone at 39 weeks x

They don’t like you going past 40 weeks

My sister requested to be induced as soon as she hit 40 weeks, she told them she’s really uncomfortable and her backs in so much pain

I was induced in previous pregnancy and I really did not like it, apparently more painful than natural contractions

You can request once you hit around 39 weeks, but if your pregnancy is going well your induction won’t be at the the top of their priority list. They may give you a date but if you turn up to hospital and it’s busy they’ll send you home again. I’ve seen it happen a lot and you’ll only be induced when they have the space, time or become more of a priority. X it can be very frustrating if you think you’re going to have your baby but keep being turned away until your past 40 weeks.

Keep in mind that you’re more likely to have interventions, like an instrumental delivery, if induced xx

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