I just want baby out😭

Im 38weeks and everything is normal and healthy. im 3cm dilated and just want this baby out. i cant get induced due to wanting a completely natural birth. Does anyone have any tips. Im doing 2 cups of raspberry tea Eating 5 Dates and doing all the exercises that I’ve been told to do.
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Try the okra juice .

I’m in the same boat! Really ready to get this labor started, but I don’t think there’s any 100% guarantee outside of medical intervention unfortunately. Tbh my husband and I are planning to have more sex. That’s the only thing I consistently hear people say worked for them to help with induction. A little easier said than done though since everything is soo uncomfortable these days 🥴

Same way you got pregnant. Sex !!!

My Dr said the only proven way to naturally induce is sex and he has to get off inside you because it's what's in his semen that softens the cervix. It's also only like a .5% chance that it works. I just go doggy style to make it easier on me lol.

I feel the same. So frustrating

If you have a breast pump use it.

I wish my daughter dad got mine already.

I’m 38 weeks waiting waiting. I’m trying nipple stimulation

The reason why everyone suggests sex and pumping/nipple stimulation is because it causes more oxytocin to be produced which helps kick start labor. Oxytocin also helps move labor forward as it progresses, like kissing during contractions, nipple stimulation, and positive thoughts/words

i felt this so bad im in the same boat my midwives won’t membrane sweep me or induce me but i swear i cant keep doing this

When I had my son I walked ALOT and used the birthing ball. That helped .

40 weeks 4 days, I am 3cm and effaced 50% the last time I checked! she doesn’t wanna get out and I tried everything to avoid induction but nothing seems to work!!

I’ve heard acupressure and acupuncture has helped some people give birth earlier but doesn’t work for everyone

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