Anyone else’s 6 month old suddenly whining in their sleep ?

My little girl has recently started making whining noises in her sleep, she has always been a good sleeper and when she was down she wouldn’t make a noise at all but over the last month she has starting this whining noise every couple of hours in bed and starts stirring quite a bit like scratching the side on the next 2 me or slamming her feet down. Just want to know if anyone is experiencing the same thing?
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Yep, then my boy tries to self settle so intensely that he wakes himself up 🤦🏻‍♀️

@Tasha aww I know same here aswell and then cause she’s stirring so loudly I’m not getting any sleep either so I end up giving in and putting her into the bed, I really hoped to move her into her own room tonight but if she’s like this in my room I feel I’m just going to be up and down all night xx

My little girl has been doing this since 5 months. She whines or cries in her sleep and thrashes about. You pick her up for a cuddle and she stops. Put her back down and she starts again. She is still sleeping the whole time. Sometimes i think its her teeth as she is teething. We give her teething gel and she calms down x

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