My daughter acting different

My daughter use to laugh smile and babble till we were home. I am visiting my mother's house in another country with her and now she is just quiet, smiles less and absolutely does not babble. She is 3 and half months old. She is drinking milk on time, is growing good. Anyone can understand what must be the case? I feel worried
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Could be the change of environment like most adults it takes some time for baby’s to really relax around new people or environment

I went to visit my mom just 3 hours away and my son was upset the entire time. He absolutely hated being there. Babies like routine and they get scared when things change drastically for them.

Ankita, how long have you been out of country? Maybe just not used to a different environment? I understand how you feel completely. As long as she is feeding properly, i wouldnt stress too much. And maybe hold her just a bit tighter and longer lol.

They can smell the difference and sense the change in time zone by LO was the same way

@Madhavi 15 days, but I am going to be here another 2 months

@kayla did you do anything particular that helped?

@Ankita it just takes time and then getting used to their surroundings I still have trouble when I see family because it’s all new to her

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