What were your symptoms of multiples?

Idk why but I just feel like I could be having twins.. mainly because I’m ’showing’ at 6+3 (baby 3 so could be that, and it’s not bloat anymore, but a very small bump/pouch) Also my PAINNNNN legs, tummy, hips & back is just excruciating 😭😭 Terrible heartburn, insomnia.. but no throwing up (my last two I threw up every 20 mins for the first 16 weeks) So what were your symptoms? Idk why in my head I think it could be twins even though they don’t run in the family
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Suppeerrrr tired from the start (which is the whole pregnancy), very specific cravings and wanting to eat 3x as much, no weight gain (for me, twins was sucking the life out of me) There's more but those are linked to me having preeclampsia

@Tayda💋 oh god yes I am EXHAUSTED and have been since 3+5 when I found out! 😴😴 also eating sooooo much and generally starving 24/7

It was my baby 3 as well, I was 5 weeks and looked like I was 11 (like from my previous pregnancies) plus I only had two moods, starving and exhausted. My husbands dad is also a twin so we had that to factor into it. Plus the lines on the tests were extremely dark for 3 weeks when I tested.

Absolutely starving 😂

Not much just absolutely exhausted, morning sickness started at 8 weeks after I already knew it was twins

@Georgia same!! I usually survive off 1 main meal a day (I never eat breakfast) and like a snack in the evening… now I’m having 3 FULL BLOWN meals a day and a shit tonne of snacks in between haha

@Kylee I’m only 6+3 so morning sickness could kick in I guess! I was having morning sickness with my first 2 pregnancies from 4 weeks so I thought maybe I got lucky this time haha

Same I had to eat all day or I would actually get nauseous from being so hungry 😂

@Arbor Wrenn how many DPO was this x

@Georgia it’s awful haha! 😭 and half the time I’m miserable because I either don’t know what I want to eat or I’m too tired to make food hahah

I’m not sure because my cycles are irregular, but if I had to guess 2 and a half weeks do

I’m one that doesn’t throw up ever - Even through pregnancies but the nausea was extreme whenever I moved for the first few weeks and I was a different typa tired… based on that… I kept Telling my husband it’s definitely more than one baby. I just knew it, a couple weeks later I had my first scan and it was confirmed.

i was so tired legit no energy

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