Covering mouth?

Is anyone else struggling teaching lo to cover there mouth when they cough he knows how he just won't do it when he coughs
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My LO knows too and sometimes she does it sometimes she doesn’t. I just always make sure to remind her that we should cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze. Constant reminders will help him to eventually do it himself

@Meghan it's funny because I'll ask what do we do when we cough and he'll say elbow and then do it but will not when he's coughing lol

My son covers his mouth to fake cough 😂 won't cover to sneeze or cough but then after thinks of it and fakes into his hand a couple times to make up for it

@Calynn my daughter does the same thing when I remind her. More often than not she forgets to do it. But I just credit that to her only being (almost) 2.5.

@Meghan yea that's what I was thinking too I'm just ready to be done getting colds because he coughs in our faces lol

@Liv that's hilarious!

@Calynn it's an honest effort 😂 i appreciate the try lol

@Calynn ugh I second that!! It’s like they think it’s their job to get everyone in the house sick 😂 my 8 month old has a cold right now and I don’t know who is worse. She doesn’t cough in my face but she’s up all night long 😩

@Meghan yea I get that when my 6 month old is sick she won't sleep anywhere but my arms ...I guess it's time to really start washing hands because he doesn't even go to daycare so it's gotta be just germs he picks up from shopping

@Calynn I’ve gotta talk to my MIL about not coming over when she’s sick. She comes over twice a week to help out/spend some time with the girls and she’s come over on multiple occasions when she’s had pneumonia 🙄

@Meghan oh man that's rough I'm sorry I have 2 step sons that constantly come back from Mom's house sick

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