Sleep Regression

Currently going through the 4 month sleep regression. Little one has been getting up every 45-60mins. Try to leave her for a bit to self settle but she doesn’t so end up having to feed her to sleep every time which I know is a bad habit to get into but it the only thing that works. Any advice on how to get her to learn to self soothe? And should I still wake her up at the same time every day? Or should I let her lie in (if she allows it😂) to try catch up on the sleep. Just worried she will be overtired if I still wake her at 7:30 each day 🤔
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Routine is saving us!! I got the huckleberry app and track my LOs naps, sometimes it works, often it doesn't but overall it's working I think. I also bought a swaddle wrap as he can't roll yet properly.

@Ellie yeah we have the huckleberry app aswell - helps so much doesn’t it!?! @Poppy Seaward - Baby & Toddler Sleep Expert that’s great I was worried waking her up at the same time everyday would make her (and me 😂) overtired the next day but good to know I should still get her up at the same time - thanks x

No advice but just wanted to say I’m in the exact same boat! Feeding to sleep every time too. Hoping it doesn’t last much longer and we get some sleep soon ❤️

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