
Just a hello to everyone. Wondering if there are any women going through peri in West Sussex, Littlehampton area? Currently I've been struggling with energy, bloating and digestive issues. No hot flushes, sometimes insomnia and anxiety. Migraines around my period, but I've always had migraines. Also now irregular monthly cycles. There are lots of things I can't seem to eat and most of my issues seem to be digestive. Not sure if I'm eating enough or eating enough protein. I now get exercise inheritance l intolerance when cycling unless I eat a lot of protein after. Went on a bike ride yesterday and started to feel really bad until I ate steak. I'm very health conscious and doing my best to look after myself and improve my life in many ways. I love being out in the countryside, making things with clay, reading, cycling, card readings and all things mystical and spiritual and gardening. I'm a bit of a loner normally due to past negative experiences but I do sometimes feel like I would like to know some other women locally. 🌹 Pic from my bike ride yesterday.
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Hi Bella, I live in Chichester and am currently going through peri stage too

@Cindy Hi! Chichester is not that far from me. It's quite nice there isn't it, I used to work in the area. Peri is Def rough, I have so many different symptoms all the time it seems. Can never be sure what is what. Lol

Hi I been taking vitamin d to boost my energy

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