October 2021 baby needing some advice from October 2020 mums 🤣

Help! Sleeping has became an utter nightmare. Me and my partner both work full time. Our toddler has been a DREAM sleeper until we switched her to a bed from a cot. She used to settle by herself, has never ever cried it out.. always has been fine to sleep alone, the odd cuddle in bed here and there. I don’t mind when she comes into our room in a morning for a snuggle BUT bedtime is taking about 2 hours. Tantrum city!! I’ve tried the leaving, going back in etc, I’ve tried even leaving her to cry for a bit then going back and standing my ground, I’ve tried edging out of the room bit by bit each night. PLEASE someone offer me some advice… I have never ever struggled so much mentally it is absolutely draining me I’m close to a nervous break down. Her bedtime has already been pushed to 8 o’clock, she’s not settling until about half 9 but I’ve got no time to actually eat my tea after a 10 hour shift 5 days a week. She’s dropped the nap but it’s made no difference. Any advice?
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Maybe play soothing music on Ur phone. We have similar problem here where kids take an hour sometimes , sometimes less or more.

We have a tonie box and she chooses a story to play after bedtime stories. They last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and she’s usually asleep way before they finish.

We had some issues,.playing about at bedtime etc Introduced a bedtime routine, pjs, down for supper, can read or do jigsaws (no toys or TV) upstairs for teeth and wee. Into bedroom, nappy on and bedtime alarm for 15 mins. We read a story and then talk, once alarm goes off it's cuddles and straight into bed. I stay for 2 mins, that's it, and then I go downstairs. I say I'll go up n check in 5 mins, if he's quiet I leave it 15 then go peep. If he's still wriggling, I peep in say "night night love you" and then go We've had tears and all sorts but it's back to bed and just 'night, it's sleep time now' it is awful but they soon get used to the routine. Hope you find something that works for you 🤞🏼

Hi Rachel, very sorry to hear what you are going through. How old is your daughter?

We've recently been through 2 and a bit weeks where our daughter has been being really difficult to put to bed (similar to what you described) then also waking up for an hour in the night and screaming and refusing to go back to bed. It was bad, but it's over now, and she's learnt a new skill! She now goes through the night and has a completely dry nappy, when previously they were soaking. I think they say these sleep regressions are often tied to new skills. I know it's hard but maybe just try to ride it out, and assume it won't be forever but is just a phase. Sending you hugs, I know it is really hard when you don't know the end date and you're absolutely exhausted. It will end, it will get better Xx

@Sila she turned 2 October just gone!

@Jai thank you! I think routine is definitely key, something it’s really hard for us to stick to with our working hours but we do try so hard. I’m definitely doing no toys or TV now as soon as me or her dad are back from work.. I don’t think there’s some magic solution other than routine and sticking to my guns. I’ve tried so hard to not make bedtime a “negative” time but it gets so hard with the tantrums! Xx

@Eve ah we have one too and she loves it but we tried that and she more just wants to play with it 🙈🤣

Could you bring back the cot? If it was working maybe go back to it for a while

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