Princess Ann’s hospital

Hi, just wondering does anyone know the rules on your partner staying with you after birth? Just wanted to see if anyone has had any experience and knows if they are or are not aloud to stay with you and baby🙂
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Generally, no. Partners do not stay on the postnatal ward at the princess Anne. Under special circumstances it can be agreed with the midwives, but generally, if you are on the normal postnatal ward, it’s a no x

Hi they can stay with for few hours after brith then have to leave and come in at visiting hours witch is 9 till 9

They can stay with you up until the visiting hours ends - when I was on the ward, a lady opposite me just come out of her c-section and her partner was sent home after 9pm x

If you’re in a private room there’s generally a reclining chair they can sleep on but don’t generally get a room unless needed I had pre eclampsia and was feeling pretty rough 🤮

They can stay whilst being induced and in labour then once your on the ward it’s 9-9 x

I had my son here in September and my husband was allowed to stay with us for 4 hours after the birth and then had to leave. I had him at 23.15 and my husband left at 3.15am 😂 x

Unless it's visiting hours then I guess he can stay till the time is up? X

I had my LG at 2:46am, we were moved up to the ward around 8am and my partner was allowed to stay until 9pm that night (when visiting hours ended) x

@Alice thanks x

@Amber this is what I was worried about if I gave birth out of visiting hours and if my partner had to leave straight away I’ve got a midwife appointment Friday so I will speak with her then but Thankyou for commenting this as it’s given me more of an insight x

@Yasemin yes that's what happened to us. But he could stay for 4 hours after the birth and then came back again at visiting hours xx

They can stay for few hours but as soon as you're taken to the ward, they have to leave.

Have to leave at 9pm unfortunately :( xx

@Amber Thankyou x

@Minna Thankyou! X

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@Kirsty-Marie Thankyou x

You stay on labour ward for a few hours so he can be with you then. We were on labour ward at least 4 hours I think before being moved c

When I had my LG last March my partner was allowed to stay with me over night to I'm not sure if that's because I was in my own room or because of my mental health x

@Esme ah great thanks for letting me know! I was abit worried that he would have to leave straight after the baby was born xx

@Nadine yeah I think I read somewhere if you have a room people can stay x

@Amber i had a similar situation, i gave birth at 8pm and they allowed my husband to stay with us a couple of hours after

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