Clocks changed - bedtime

Has anyone found that since the clocks have changed their LO is struggling to go to bed at their usual bedtime (if they have a rough routine)? My LG has really struggled to go off to sleep like she normally would at her normal rough bedtime and wondered if anyone else has found the same.
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Same here my little girl

Yes! Struggling big time this week

Yep! Past 2 nights she’s been waking up so much more after 30 minutes and being unsettled 😢 she’s also just cut her first tooth so that doesn’t help 😂

Last night my boy had a temperature so it was a bit of a rough night. Today he has been much more himself, not 100% so I was expecting it to take. Little longer to settle him but omg it’s taken nearly 3 hrs to get him to sleep! Perhaps it is the clocks! He’s never like this!

Yes really struggling the last couple of nights

Yep he’s still an hour out - very much still on the old timings 😩

Yep have been struggling massively! Normally takes him 15 mins to fall asleep normally around 7ish. It's now 9:20 and we have given up and brought him downstairs 😑 he is poorly so that doesn't help.

Yes!!! Omg, naps are out of sync and she has treated bedtime (7.30pm for her normally) as a nap!

Yes! It’s usually 6:30/7 and it’s suddenly nearly 9pm!! I’m hoping after the Easter hols and she goes back to preschool the routine will reset itself

Yesss! It’s been a nightmare but I don’t understand why as they don’t know what time it is. He was consistent with going down at 6.30 but since clock change it’s all a disaster now. We’re just chilling downstairs

Oh I’m glad it’s not just us! The last few nights have been horrendous our little one goes down around 7/7:30 and it’s taken till 9/9:30 to finally get her to sleep 😅 I also don’t understand how it effects the so but apparently it does 😂 she’s also been fighting her naps too since the clocks changed too!

If you don’t have already I advise a blackout blind. Helps us massively. My son is learning his numbers from a clock so that helps as we have set routines to evening hours.

I have definitely realised the getting to sleep has been suddenly so much later!! And we've only managed contact naps.. I thought perhaps it's a developmental leap, but the clocks too! 🤯😅 I hope it gets easier soon 🤞🏻 x

@Liberty-Jayde same for us! She went to bed at her normal time, 7pm. Then she’s back up by 8 and we are still trying to her her over at almost 11. Been the same Sunday and Monday too xx

@Amber I also thought she was just going through a developmental leap or another sleep regression it was only when my partner said could the clocks changing have an affect on her sleep that it got my brain ticking so figured it put it out there to see if anyone else is struggling with sleep!

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Ours goes to bed now an hour later - so technically the same time they were it’s just our clock says something different to what it did. Plus side is when he was waking at 5am, it’s now 6am 💪 He has only recently got himself in a routine of a rough bedtime so I wasn’t going to stick to what a clock said as he can’t tell the time. We just kept to his body clock.

Hasn’t really made no difference tbh x

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