Hospital stay

Hi all, how long did you have to stay in hospital following your section please? Thank you
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I had a emergency section and stayed for 5 nights (including my induction night) baby had sepsis and jaundice so we had to stay in while he was under NICU care

I got to go home day 3 they want you to stay for 5 but I wanted to go home

I was in for 2 nights following my elective section, neither of us had any complications

I stayed for 3 nights, I was allowed to go home after 2 but my baby had jaundice so we decided to stay one more night since we would’ve had to come back early in the morning to check her bili levels again

I got discharged 12 hours after emergency c section

It seems to be different depending on where u are and if it’s emergency vs elective, I’m in Devon and they try to get us out the next day, I ended up staying 3 days as we had complications

48 hours and only because I was waiting for my car seat otherwise would have been home after 24 hours

3 days

Stayed for 4 nights but recommend staying as long as you can take. You are very well cared for and have lots of support meaning you can rest. I hated going home initially because of chores / unequipped house etc xx

For my first went in on Tuesday left Thursday was supposed to be there till Friday. With my second I believe it was the same just different days.

24 hours

Induced & Emergency section all in all 5 days

24 hours ish after emergency c section. I’d been in for 5 days already though due to failed induction and could not wait to get home and away from that place!

I stayed 3 nights.. I had an emergency c section, lost a lot of blood, and developed an infection.

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2 nights after my emergency c section, stayed a night in before having bub. They were happy to discharge me after 24hours but bub had to stay in longer Feels like a life time in there and was Edgar to get home, but looking back im like wow I left that early 🫣

I stayed for 2.5 days, they wanted us to stay the extra night as my LB had a slight infection in his lungs and had finished his antibiotics and bloods came back clear. But I was induced and in hospital for 3 days before he was born and just had enough and needed some sleep

76 hours. But I had an preeclampsia

Had him at 12.23 was home for 4 the following day after an awake emergency C-section as was already in theatre for forceps and had epidural x

I stayed 2 nights, she was born 20.40 on the Thursday night and by 4pm Saturday we were home, neither myself or baby had any complications post birth.. and C-section was clsssed as emergency after failed induction x

5 days xx

I was in for a week after an emergency c section but both me and baby had an infection,

I had my baby boy at 3.08pm and I was discharged next day lunch time sorry abit longer than 12 hours, I had to show I could pee and walk

Wish I was in longer in some ways as when I tried to get in the car I thought I'd torn myself open it hurt so so bad I'd recommend staying as long as you can

Mine was an emergency c section and I was discharged just short of 24 hours after my section as no issues

6 days after emergency c section

I had an emergency c section on a Friday at 11:51pm and was in the car to go home by 6:30pm that Sunday. I wanted to leave so bad lmao Agree with another commenter I had to show I could pee and walk too

24h... as long you can pee and is walking without major pain, you can leave

I had an emergency c section and asked to be discharged 24 hours later. I would have been happy for myself to stay an extra night but I was getting a bit concerned about my husband! He hadn’t slept in 3 days (I was ok as had epidural lol) and was given the most uncomfortable chair with me on the ward. I was sedated during the op so was out of it for 12 hours after and he was expected to look after the baby all night without anywhere comfy to sit or lay down and no food! I said he could go home to get a good nights sleep on the second night but he understandably didn’t want to leave us. So I asked to be discharged so that we could all go home and be comfortable! They just have to make sure you do a minimum of 200ml wee first before they let you go

4 nights

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I had c section around 9:30am and was out at 7pm the next day! :)

5 days of failed induction, just over 24 hours as it was Christmas eve and we wanted to get home and away from the hospital. They tried to come up with reasons why we couldn't leave yet like they were obsessed with her latch even though we said we would be mixed feeding. But we did end up coming straight back to the hospital within an hour as she needed light therapy and we spent our first Christmas in the hospital

5 nights for baby as he couldn’t keep his temperature up. 2 nights for me because my pee was red 😅

I had baby girl at 8.40am was discharged at 1pm the next day! Best of luck! You’ll be amazing xx

Went in sat morning at 8am for planned section baby was born at 10,10am left on Thursday about 4/5pm but baby was prem nearly 4 weeks early and had jaundice and issues with her blood levels were still under out patients for that x

I had my C-section on a Tuesday and left the hospital on Friday

I stayed 4 days. Take advantage to stay as long as you can and get as much rest as you can!

A week, but I had a failed induction/ vback, and pre eclampsia that ended up with severe features

24 hours. Once they had done all checks on baby, and I had walked and passed urine they were okay with me going home

24 hours

72 hours

Two and a half days

Had my girl at 9:30am and left the next day at 2pm

24 hours but this time I’d stay the full amount so I can get some sleep lol

I stayed 4 nights after my unplanned C section. I did have complications though. They wanted to keep me one more night but I begged them to let me go home. They finally agreed

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C-section I had on a Thursday at 12:52pm. I was released on Sunday afternoon.

I was 4 days but I ended up emergency section and had a few health issues so had to be kept in x

2 days

Everyone is different as depends if there are complications etc. If everything goes ok, then normally it’s 24hours.

2 nights

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