Line eyes ?

Are my line eyes playing tricks on me again?
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I see it

@Em really, my Premom app also says my period is 1 days late

I see something

I think I see something. Test again tomorrow first pee

My ovulation tests also look like this

@Megan when did you get your peak ovulation)

@Em I’m not sure, I’ve been testing since the middle of last month and not had a test where the test line is darker than the control

I think I see something up another test tomorrow should show up for definite! With your ovulation tests, have you tried inputting them manually and moving the sliders to make sure they are bang on accurate? Xx

@Sally no I haven’t tried that, I’ll start doing that from now to see if it makes a difference. Thank you

It’s super light but my pregnancy test was like that. I was early on and less than 3-4 wks when I found out

Bottom one is yesterdays and top is this mornings

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