Anyone out there?

Need to find my people! Starting to give up hope 🤣 im 27, self employed and have a 3 year old boy. I’ve always been told I act/ come across a lot older than I am which may be where I’m going wrong with people my age.. I’ve made connections on here before but all fizzled out from not having anything in common apart from kids. I don’t really take much seriously in life, and can be sarcastic which I think some people might take seriously 🤷🏻‍♀️ just need some people in my life to have a coffee with and laugh about life with… if anyone wants to meet drop a comment and I’ll send a message 😁
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Hi 👋🏼 very much the same

Hi 👋🏻 whereabouts in North Devon are you?

Hi , I've got a 3 and half year old. Feel free to message me 😊

Heyyy I am the same 😆 feel free to message me!

Did you manage to find your people? I can cope with sarcasm if you're ever at a lose end - although mine is 9 months and super grabby so your 3yo might find her annoying 🥴

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