
Is anyone experiencing bad heartburn I’m 23wks3days and the heartburn I get at night is awful, I have heartburn medicine but don’t seem to work well xx
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I get it daily atm, not at night but in the day, straight after my first meal. I went and got gaviscon double strength tablets today and it worked a treat!

I'm chewing Rennie as I type this. I got heartburn with my 2 previous pregnancies but not until the 3rd trimester, this pregnancy it started at around 17 weeks. It's brutal!

I get heartburn when I get into bed. I've been told to lie on my left as it somehow helps the acid to go back down to your stomach. It's worse when you lie on the right.

I'm currently trying to get prescribed omeprazole from the GP as the heartburn is just constant and nothing else works. I've had for 10+ weeks now and it's very draining x

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