This makes me feel so bad for you but as baby grow you will have more freedom to pick up and go. I sometimes feel stuck as well I make sure to ask for help even though I don’t really want anyone else caring for her but I understand.
Have you reached out to your doctors or health visitor? I know baby blues are real but if this feeling has lasted more than a few weeks then it could possibly be postpartum depression. It may just be a temporary feeling or you may just be having a hard time right now but hang in there and definitely ask for help, I hope you feel better soon❤️
@KenDiana i know the freedom might come later on but im thinking about the tantrums and having to build her character which is such a big task. Im in charge of a whole mini human! How i do these next few works will determine what kind of person she’ll turn out to be. Thats just so much pressure, i feel like im drowning in just the thought. And I always feel bad asking for help because it is my child at the end of the day, why should others have to disrupt their day so i can get rest. I feel like i cant escape my thoughts 😭
@Marissa Thank you 💞 ive found it difficult the first few months and i would have these feelings but theyd eventually just go. Im hoping these are just one of those times because my LOs unwell at the moment. But even though i have my mum and sisters help right now i feel hopeless. Also, i know we all always say theres nothing wrong with it, but i feel embarrassed to talk to anybody about any issue. I feel like i have nothing to actually complain about because i do have help, so i dont want to really talk to any professionals and feel like im just being dramatic. Im really hoping i haven’t suddenly developed PPD after 6 months.
How old is your baby xx
You can develop post partum depression for up to 18/24 months after having a baby. It sounds like you may be struggling a little bit and even though you have family to help, it can be difficult to talk to them about these kind of struggles. Try reach out to a professional for help. Honestly, it’s what they’re there for and they do make a huge difference. I know it’s different but I struggled hugely 3 weeks post partum and my health visitor referred me to a perinatal mental health team who more than anything, just reassured me that I wasn’t alone and that it’s so so normal to get the feelings sometimes. You can get through this, you just might need a bit of extra support 🩷
@Jade 5 months x
@Lorren thank you for your advice. My daughter has a review coming up (check her weight, progresses etc) should I mention it to whoever does the review? Idk how to contact my health visitor tbh.
Yes, I would. I found it all overwhelming and had no idea who to speak to for things. Your GP should have access to your health visitor details so the GP can either help you themselves, refer you to your HV or give you the number for your HV. HV are honestly amazing. They have so many contacts and they will stay in touch if you need them. Mine calls me every few weeks just to make sure I’m doing okay, and she used to come it’s to visit me every week to start with and they’ll be involved as much or little as you need to get yourself back on track. But definitely don’t feel like you can’t seek help just because you have a good support system. Mine is great but I just needed someone who didn’t really know me to talk to without judgement 🩷 Feel free to message me if you want to too 😊
In your babies red book, you’ll probably have the number of your health visiting team. Or speak to your GP. The first months/years are quite a shock to the system as you’re figuring it all out and finding your new norm. Please don’t feel bad for all of these thoughts - you’ve recognised your feelings and are looking for answers/help, that’s a great first step and shows how strong you are. Take each day as it comes, don’t put pressure on yourself now about how she’s going to turn out ❤️
@Lorren that’s exactly what i need tbh. I wasnt fond of the first health visitor that came to my house when my daughter was first born. She was very condescending and sarcastic. That kind of put me off as i was sitting there looking down at my baby (showing the struggle of breastfeeding her) and trying not to cry. I feel like if I talk to someone on here, itll just put more on their plate listening to me complain and vent because everyones going through something and i hate being a burden. I know my friends irl would be there to listen to me but i don’t wanna burden them (and I’m embarrassed to talk about it).
@Nikki-Lee thank you! I’m going to take a look at her red book once I get home. And i know i have a really bad habit of overthinking everything especially about the future, i know it affects my relationship with my husband even though j try my best not to overthink, i really don’t want it affecting my daughter.
You can ask for a new health visitor😊 it’s a shame you had that experience to start with as you may have had the right support from the start if you had a nicer one. Mine is honestly like a friend, she’s so lovely. And some people on here are more than happy to chat about things. Sometimes sharing mutual experiences and feelings can be really comforting too so if you want to talk I’m more than happy to. Mums need other mums, especially in the early days xx
@Lorren thank you 💞
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Trusted by 5M+ women
You don't have to be stuck for life with your unhelpful husband. Take each day at a time and before you know it the hard part will be over, you will regain your vitality and streng6and you can plan a new life with your child and someone else. You are not bound to a life you don't want. But have in mid that sleep deprivation makes everything look very dark. So wait on major decisions and take them only after you've had a full night sleep 1 week in a row. That would probably happen from 9 months postpartum or more. It's okay to feel like utter shit right now. We all did. It's a phase that passes believe it or not.
Hang in there mama sending hugs 💕