Red & hot spot on boobs

Both of my boobs have about a golf size spot on the inside of my boobs that’s red and warmer than the rest of my boob. Anyone know what this could be? I’m only 15 weeks!
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I would go and get the check out could be Mastitis

@Caroline yah that’s what google was saying but I’m only 15 weeks. Can it even happen that early?

Am not sure I have never experienced it. Talk to your midwife about it x

I would advise getting it looked at and sorted soon hun as you dont want to have any complications due to leaving it too long. Might just be your boobs adjusting to pregnancy but better to get some reassurance x

Defo get checked out you can get mastitis when not pregnant (i was baffled as my newborn had it and doctor said its just very common when breadtfeeding but can happen to anyone

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