
How would u react if your partner/bd was constantly cursing at you? All it takes is a wrong word from me or something he doesn’t like to hear for him to literally start cursing non stop. He also raises his voice all the time whenever this happens. He wants to make me feel like I’ve said or done the wrong thing but even if I did I believe he should not be talking to me like this? I mean people can be polite even when disagreeing I guess. I keep thinking that one day our baby girl will understand and I don’t want her to think this is something she should accept from a partner.
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All it takes is the first sentence, I’ll let the first curse slide by assuming it was an accident. But everything after that just shows me lack of respect for me and my child so I’m out. We all have disagreements, that’s just relationships, it’s never sunshine and rainbows every single minute. But he has no excuse to treat you this way as a woman, the mother of his child and a human in general.

@Jemima Agreed

Let him curse at his damn self I’m gone.

@Jemima you’re totally right. The worst part is that he’ll literally do this and then be mad as if I’m the one in the wrong or make it seem like it was my fault that he cursed or acted like that. One day he was raising his voice and I was like “why the hell are u shouting ?” And he said “cause ur pissing me off” I mean is he going to act like this every time he gets pissed off? So sad that he’s nearly 30 acting like this

@Roxy gaslighting will have me thinking I provoked him or caused it lol I’m such a dumbass tbh

You are not a dumbass you just care.

But don’t let any man take advantage of you either, you deserve respect.

I say this all the time: Emotional men are dangerous. Don't be the victim of someone's son's uncontrollable anger. He needs to be a master of his emotions.

Literally broke up with my bf today for the same exact thing so crazy and i I told him the same thing I don’t want my sons thinking this is okay and doing it to their future women

Queen, I agree with Roxy, you are not dumb, he just sounds like a jerk who wants to make himself sound powerful and important because he doesn’t get that respect elsewhere. Regardless of how many times he has done this, starting now stop entertaining this rubbish. You don’t deserve this at all. Let him be on his own and learn how to be a man. I don’t know what your situation is but I would remove myself from this negative energy and focus on me and my baby until the right one comes along and loves me properly.

It’s not okay and he used to tell me “I make him do that” I don’t control his actions if I can contain myself then he can to he sitting next to me right now begging for me back but I’ve been telling him for so long I don’t like being cursed at and he continues to do it now he’s talking about going to therapy and stuff to work on his anger it’s just too much but just be firm and let him know you don’t like it and if he keeps doing it you have no choice but to leave

Verbal abuse is still abuse

So he literally just told me he doesn’t regret our child but regrets having her with me, worst mistake of his life bla bla bla. Also got annoyed cause due to yesterdays argument I didn’t call him and he fell asleep on the couch, and now in the morning said “I left him to sleep there” 💀💀 as if he’s a child and doesn’t know how to get to the bedroom (he’s also not even sleeping with me and baby as he says he needs a proper night of sleep to go to work and if he sleeps in a different bedroom he’ll not be waking up when she wakes up lmao). Thank you so much guys I really appreciate all the comments and advice and u are all right, I really think I deserve sm better 🤍 @Kyilaa @Roxy @Jemima

That's gaslighting, emotional abuse, verbal abuse and intimidation. I'm Sorry that you are going through this and it is not okay that he is doing this. This behaviour can impact the children's developing brain and can impact on their emotional, physical and mental well-being. Do you think that he may raise his voice or swear at your daughter as well? You are not alone and your daughter is very lucky to have you. Please reach out if you need any support from family violence support services, family or friends.

I sometimes stoop to his level and yell back. I feel like since pregnancy he has treated me like shit. I understand your feeling, honestly we should both get out.

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@Samantha I know right 😐 I feel like it only got worse after I’ve had my child… why do men start acting even worse once u have a kid with them? SMH

@Cat I know it can that’s why I’m want to protect my baby at all costs and don’t want her seeing/going through stuff like this, I did when I was a child and trust me it sucks. That’s prob why I didn’t run the first time he was abusive, but at the end of the day it’s still my fault. Oh thank you so much, I do try my best to be the best mummy to her even when I’m completely broken 🥺 thank you! That means a lot to me xx

My ex told me straight to my face “I’d be stuck w him after I had his baby” I said bish “who is stuck???” Left his ass on the side of the road while he yelled & chased my car. Miscarried, god knew what was best.

If my partner said some shit like that to me I’d lock his ass out of the house. Regret that. Sell all his stuff too. He sounds like an immature idiot. Thank you for the lesson, Next!

It is 100% not your fault. Your are strong and doing the best you can x

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