Baby kicks yet?

Has any of y’all babies kicked yet? I’m due on the 23rd August and baby hasn’t kicked yet and I’m just anxious. 🤦🏽‍♀️
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I’m due 25 August and have felt kicks but if this is your first you may only feel flutters that can feel similar to regular gas or bowel movements. However, if you are worried definitely bring it up at your next appointment or if you have a 20 week scan that can be quite reassuring as well

@Berlind thanks a million. I have my scan next Thursday

@Khas it’s actually my second so it’s kinda worrying me

Similar situation. No kicks too and this is my second. I have gone for scan last week and all is very well. I have learned to just tune out the worries now as they always say babies would do things in their own time. As long as u have confirmed all is well.

I'm due 22nd August and yesterday was the first proper feeling of movement I've had. It's my 2nd baby.

I’m due 29th Aug and haven’t really felt anything yet either, starting to think belly grumbles are movements. But scan is later today so hoping all is ok 🤞

Due on the 6th August, second pregnancy, and yes, it's on and off, but I usually feel them once a day

I’m due on the 3rd of Aug, it’s my first pregnancy and have an anterior placenta. I’ve been feeling kicks since late feb. They started with just an occasional few I could feel but my scans show that the baby is super active! So I just couldn’t feel the kicks much but they were happening! I’m now 22 weeks and can feel big kicks as I type! It’s every time I lay down now or eat something ☺️

@Khas Yes

@Rosy this is the assurance I need too! 1st pregnancy baby started kicking earlier so I was expecting something similar but I guess I just have to wait

@Charlotte good luck Mama ☺️

@Bex my first pregnancy I was feeling frequent kicks at night but this pregnancy baby wanna do it their own way…lol

They say not to worry until you haven’t felt them by 24 weeks so I wouldn’t panic. Go get a private scan if it’s accessible to you? It’ll put your mind at ease ♥️

I'm due 23rd August too and have only just (in the last 2 days) started feeling a something. It didn't feel like flutters to me almost like and elastic band really lightly being pinged inside my tummy. They cam be really hard to notice unless I'm completely still and not distracted by anything

Thanks so much ladies! I really appreciate your input 🙂

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