Struggle faith

Hey mommas… I’ve been rooted in the church since a child and I now attend with my fiancé and our daughter. We read praise worship and seek God everyday… but does life and circumstances ever cause your faith to waver? Lately I feel so overwhelmed with debt and trying to keep up with bills and my household and not being able to work because of daycare unavailability is a hurt piece. I do Spark (Walmart delivery) and Grubhub with my daughter while her father rests or works and it’s packing on mileage which I can’t afford being that I’m in a 3 year lease… idk sometimes I get super discouraged because I just watched my credit go down and my debt go up since I got pregnant with her and I feel like I’m drowning and like my walls are closing in on me… it’s hard to feel the desire or the steadfastness of being consistent and fully trusting the lord… I have no babysitter’s and my fiancés family lives in Kentucky so his side can’t help either… idk. Advice?
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Spend quality time with God and in the word. Faith comes by hearing and hearing through the word of God. Ask God to show you if there’s any spiritual warfare going on, any sin in your life that’s opening the door to the spirit of poverty. And then ask God to give you strategy on how to better your finances and lead you to resources on what can be done. Just know it’s normal to feel like your faith is wavering but you keep seeking God and you keep pushing. Times are hard right now but God promises to provide!

@Wis thank you sm. I need that . Heavy!

That's so hard. I can understand why you might be feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes our circumstances seem impossible to overcome, and they are, on our own. But with God, all things are possible. He's with you and knew you'd be in this situation, but He has a plan for you. I definitely agree about praying for wisdom and guidance with your finances, maybe if there's some things you need to cut out for now, downsize and sell items you don't need anymore, whatever it might be. The Enemy wants to tear you down with this, but God is going to use it for good, just remember that! You will get through this. Maybe speak to your pastor or someone you're close to at church about the struggle, I know in a lot of cases, the church will come together and help however they can! I'm going to be praying for you. God's got you!

Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? His principals are very helpful to be listening to. And it's free on YouTube. Do you have a local church? I'd definitely ask if anyone could help you with free childcare, while you seek better paying work. (Personally I worked delivery at CFA and it's much better than grub hub or door dash! And then for a year my husband worked from home for FedEx doing paperwork, which is child friendly and $15hrly. Just be aware they don't withhold federal income tax.) Also I don't know what kind of medical insurance you have, but ours is partially state sponsored, and mental health is only $10 a session. That's been a huge help for us, being able to seek help. Also, even if it's for short periods, using food stamps is a good resource to help you get a foothold.

CFA= chick fila

God does not prevent you from hard times, rather, gives you the strength to go through them. Salvation and perfection is not for our lives on earth but for our lives in heaven. It took me a very long time to realize that and I because of it I was atheist for a long time because I struggled so much as a child and a teen with some of the most horrific things that I hope no one ever has to go through. However once I found god again and saw him for who he was, which is our father. He helps guide us and give us wisdom, and through him all things truly are possible, but ultimately everything that happens is his plan, and there is always a reason for it, but he does not work for our timeline, only his

Have you heard of Dave Ramsey? His Financial Peace University might be what you need. It is a Christian Financial course that is designed to help Christians handle their money in a godly manner and get out of debt. Sending prayers for you to find peace and hope.

Sometimes when you least feel like turning to God is when you need to the MOST!! When prayer is hard. When worship feels hard that’s when you need to do it the MOST! Don’t worry about the future the focus on today the hear and now and be intentional- turn to him even if your not feeling it turn to him anyway! Each day! And just know none of these challenges will last forever! 💕🙏🏾

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