I would buy muslins, especially if breastfeeding, nuby rapid cool if bottle feeding, zip up onesies, I would get a mixture of tiny baby and newborn clothes xx
@Claire why no Muslins? What did you use instead? I've heard you need lots of them? And how many 0-3 months clothes would you recommend?
@Deanna thank you 🥰
This is amazing https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dreamegg-Portable-Soothing-Rechargeable-Continuous/dp/B08DJ34WT8/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=3PJVOR8QMOXYG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.KK2lCq_DWd3rVahIltnz94mTcC4uxagcQhd2ZGJ540ZnX07FJRtqTpiPF4eW23M8mGsz6UANDd7W6VITq2d3Tl-Y3D-PH_O1Zab9R-JW_z454rY2G-nR7KeFFRZHzs0nCyGe6PdE7yY0ON-0cB3QK1BhRXd4IOKOTXUOxWSUXW_C1VuL_ieMNxtIs8lU2eFOsRMzO_dB9TEJt_oYC4Vfng.tIiglwxQreFi7ExzJvLf3roYSNtONeioX3NP-pGaAig&dib_tag=se&keywords=white+noise+machine&qid=1712226493&sprefix=white+nosie+machin%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1
Nuby rapid cool was amazing when we stopped BF and we liked the MAM bottles and dummies. I found up to 1 month sleepsuits really handy as well. I got mine from Next. People tell you not to get much newborn but the jump from newborn to 0-3 was no good for us. Anything from Next lasted the longest for us and washed the best x
@Lil we did use muslins but we were gifted so many so I wouldn’t have bought any if I’d known :-)
@Claire Ohhh I see! Thank you 😇🥰
@Rachel Next got it! Thanks 😆🥰
@Rachel oooo thanks I have that in my amazon basket! X
@Lil they have some of the cutest things as well🥹 x
I can tell you what not to buy! Muslins, booties, mittens, comforters, 0-3 month clothes, 3-5 month clothes, blankets. I got given so many of them as gifts. There were lots that were hardly worn/used :-) I really liked the tuppence and crumble starsnugg which is great for baby when baby wearing if you choose to do this :-)