
Do bottles and pump parts have to be sterilized or is it okay just to wash them?
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They need to be sterilized each time .

Sterilized, I think it’s recommended up until 8 months. I did it the full year

UK recommendation is sterilising should be up until 12 months:'s%20important%20to%20sterilise%20all,in%20particular%20diarrhoea%20and%20vomiting.

Sterilize each time

I never bought a sterilizer for the bottle the first few uses I did boil the bottles but after 4 times of boiling them I just washed them normal like I would dishes

In the uk, You can get sterelizer tablets, I don’t know if you have this in America but you just sit them in water with a tablet for how long the instructions say if you don’t want to microwave them or buy a sterelizer. Apparently though I’ve seen that our health care service don’t really recommend steralizing that way, but it’s an option if you have access to buying it :)

I was always told they only had to be sterilized the first time

I sterilized when we first got them, then about every 6 weeks or when I sterilize anything new

Im a ftm and all experience moms I’ve talked to say it’s a waste of time and money to just wash them throughly

I’ve only ever washed them until my daughter was about 6 months. My husband bought me a bottle washer w a sterilization mode, but only bc I was tired of washing bottles all the time. Your baby will be okay if you just wash thoroughly with very hot water

I still boil them after a thorough scrubbing, and my girl is 8 months old. At this point, it's more like habit, I suppose. Wash, then boil, then take out to dry.

The CDC recommends sanitizing until at least 3 months old, longer if your baby is immunocompromised.

i have read a few times that you cannot properly sterilize because the temperature doesn’t get quite high enough or something. anyways, i only sterilize brand new bottles/pumps/pacifiers and then just wash them!

I sterilize when they’re brand new for the first time, and then just wash thoroughly with super hot water

I sterilized the first time I got the bottles was never told you had to do it every time. I wash them with really hot water every time and occasionally I let them soak in some hot hot water. Am I supposed to do more ?

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Yes wash thoroughly and then sterilise 😊

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